At 0840 hrs on June 13, 1969 Alpha Company engaged an unknown number of NVA estimated as a Company or Battalion, close contact with small arms fire with results 4 US WHA and 1 US KHA, 16 NVA KIA and 4 AK-47 with 1 M-79 captured, Dust Off was called at 0845 hrs and completed at 1045 hrs. Personnel involved Alpha Company WHA AHYO, Nicholas PFC serious wounds by small arms fire, Nance, Carl C. SP4 gunshot in leg, Valdivia, Hector R. SP4 broken leg, KHA Headquarters and Head-quarters Company, 11 Infantry Brigade PSYOPS (unit work out of Duc Pho), Taylor,Gary L. SGT.
ugene roth I was with him when he was killed It was June "Friday the thirteenth" 1969 I was a new and scared replacement dropped off in very hostile environment. On the day of the ambush Sgt Taylor had a feeling we might be walking into trouble. He told me how experienced this unit was and that I should observe carefully and do exactly what the other soldiers do if we get hit. An hour later we walked into the ambush. I wanted to run, but everybody hit the ground and began firing back on automatic so I did the same. The enemy was rolling out of the bushes and we had four of our own hit. Sgt Taylor was fatally shot. I carried his body and cried for him. One hour earlier he had a big smile on his face as he gave me instruction with confidents. It is one of my most vivid memories of the war, and it pains me to this day. I am only sorry I have never had the chance to express this to his family. Wednesday, April 12, 2000