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My Reunion at the National WW II Memorial with Alpha Company
4th Battalion 3rd Infantry Regiment,
The Old Guard, on May 8, 2013
Jim Sobery
I was in the central highlands of the Republic of Vietnam in 1969 with the Americal Division, 11th Light Infantry Brigade, 4th Bn. 3rd Infantry Regiment , Alpha Company. In the 1990’s I often flew to Washington DC on business and sometimes saw The Old Guard on parade or going to a ceremony. Once during a trade show held near Ft. Myers I visited the Old Guard Museum. Forty-four years passed and I had never attended a unit reunion.
On VE Day 2013 I was a guardian on an Honor Flight taking WWII veterans to the National WW II Memorial in Washington, DC. and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Searching the internet, I saw my old combat unit is at Ft. Myers and is now Alpha Company, The Old Guard’s Commander-in- Chief’s Guard. Videos on YouTube show the Alpha Company drill and uniforms of the Revolutionary War era. I emailed the Alpha Company Commander mentioning my visit. He quickly replied and suggested bringing some of his officers and nco’s to meet me at the National WWII Memorial. My seat was at the front of the tour bus and I held a photo collage illustrating my time in Vietnam with A/4/3. What an indescribable feeling it was to be greeted by the officers and a senior nco of my former combat unit! These men carry on the tradition of the oldest continuously serving regular regiment in the US army. I presented my collage of photos taken in 1969 and received a framed portrait of Alpha troops dressed in their Commander-in-Chief’s Guard uniforms at a Twilight Tattoo Ceremony. We enjoyed exchanging stories and sharing each other’s company until duty required them return to training and I to my WWII veteran tour group. What a memorable day!
This link describes the present day duties of Alpha Company