February 1, 1970
01 Feb 0423
Alpha Company had trip flare go off 30 meters West of their NDP at grid location BS558408 element then engaged enemy w/small arms fire..negative movement and results unknown-will recon at dawn.
01 Feb 1810
Charlie Company at NDP received approx 20 rounds from 3 positions at grid location BS698343, engaged w/105 from LZ San Juan Hill, negative friendly casualties or damage. Helix 38 reports 2-3 foxholes and 1- 10 meter trench at the grid location BS699338...At 1835 hrs also reported movement in same area, to be engaged with M-79 and M-60.
01 Feb 2125
Battalion Strength Report;
Bravo Company 4/87 Charlie Company 2/99 Delta Company 4/100 Recon 1/36.
02 Feb 0001
Bde Weather Report ....Mostly cloudy with a few rain showers, partial clearing in P.M. winds NE at 5-10 knots. Temperature 75/66 Humidity 98/78.
02 Feb 0945
Charlie Company's 2nd platoon at the grid location BS701349 found 10 fighting positions set up into a perimeter approx 6 months old, trail N-N/E, position size 2'x2'x3'.
02 Feb 1206
SRRP 3 & part of 1st platoon Bravo Company in ambush at grid location BS652355 2VC KIA, negative weapons, 1 14-16 year old..1 30 year old, dressed in black pj's...other dressed in GI shirt and baggy trousers.
02 Feb 1640
Delta Company on LZ San Juan Hill observed at the grid location BS605380, observed 4-5 persons wearing dark clothing..appeared to be policing hill slope and observing LZ SJH...engaged w/4.2 42 rounds HE.
02 Feb 2030
Battalion Strength Report;
Bravo Company 4/88 Charlie Company 2/101 Delta Company 4/107 Recon 1/35.
03 Feb 0001
Bde Weather Report Partly cloudy, decreased cloudiness late PM. Winds NE 5-10 knots, Temperature 77/44...Humidity 95/70.
03 Feb 1119
Charlie Company's 2nd platoon at grid BS 706378 engaged 10 VC/NVA in old NDP...Results 4 VC/NVA KIA and still have enemy out in the open...HELIX 31 on station... adjusted Arty from LZ San Juan Hill : no weapons or packs ..3 male, 1 female, 1 male was 12 years old...Mixed uniforms, NVA shirts.
03 Feb 2055
Bravo Company's 2nd platoon at NDP had trip flare go off and movement, engaged w/M-60, M-79, M-16 fire. Results were ; movement stopped ..will check in AM.
04 Feb 0620
Bravo Company had trip flare ignite 20 meters No NDP position...negative sighting.Engaged w/M-79, M-16, M-60, frags and 81 mm mortars...Results unknown.
04 Feb 0840
Charlie Company's 2nd platoon at grid BS 723388 found 1 set of NVA sandal tracks moving North on trail approximately 12 hours old. Also 300 meters North of same coordinates found 1 box of c-rations approximately 4-5 months old.
04 Feb 1710
Charlie Company at grid BS712413 detonated a booby trap -105 Howitzer round buried 3' underground rigged with trip wire. 1 person may have been hurt -ear drums from explosion.
Line # 86 Brown, Larry PFC WHA will evacuate to LZ SJH.
04 Feb 2100
Battalion Strength Report;
Alpha Company 3/81 Bravo Company N/A Charlie Company 4/103 Delta Company 4/100 Recon 0/39
05 Feb 0001
Partly cloudy ...little temperature change, winds light and variable. NW - N 5-15 knots. Temperature 77/66 Humidity 95/85
05 Feb 1405
Charlie Company's 1st platoon at grid location BS713426 found 100 fish on string along side of trail.
05 Feb 1700
Delta Company at grid location BS671401 found one tunnel 1 1/2' in diameter, and 30'deep. Used a Mighty Mite generator and many smoke grenades to determine entrances...negative results.
05 Feb 1815
Charlie Company requests dust-off for 1 US EM;
Line# 111 Howard , Johnson PFC - running high fever.
05 2150 Feb
Battalion Strength Report;
Alpha Company 4/78 Bravo Company N/A Charlie Company 4/101 Delta Company 4/97 Recon 1/39.
06 Feb 0115
Battalion Weather Report: Partly cloudy to cloudy with brief periods of rain w/isolated rain showers, winds North-NorthEast 5-15 knots...Temperature 76/66 Humidity 98/80.
06 Feb 1700
Dolphin 12 at the grid location BS708428 found a 155 Howitzer round standing on its tail...blown in place.
06 Feb 2325
Alpha Company at NDP at grid location BS 708428 heard dogs barking 100 -150 meters to their SW...Engaged w/M-79..results dogs stopped barking.
07 Feb 0045
Charlie Company at NDP position grid location BS708428 had a trip flare go off 30 meters SSW of perimeter...engaged w/M-79 with negative movement. 0820 Check of area revealed that a dog was engaged and killed as a result of action.
07 Feb 1614
Delta Company at grid location BS671402 while exploiting a tunnel...found a room that was 5'x5'x4' with evidence of fresh digging...tunnel was found Feb 5 70 and will blow up both tunnel and room.
07 Feb 2355
Battalion Strength Report:
Alpha Company 5/73 Bravo Company 4/101 Charlie Company N/A Delta Company 4/92 Recon 1/31.
08 Feb 1220
SRRP team 3 at grid BS644363 found a small bunker complex and several fighting positions. 1305 Team 3 found 6 bunkers with each having sleeping positions..5 bunkers will accommodate 2 persons...Found 1-5 gal oil can, 1 waterproof bag, each bunker had O/H cover 2 1/2'x4' and fresh mackerel cans.
08 Feb 1337
Dolphin 29 received sniper fire at grid BS663382...4.2 expended 20 rounds at grid location.
09 Feb 0930
Warlords found at grid BS620480 ponchos, fighting positions, 2 VC/NVA evading w/A-K 47 and packs ....At grid BS620495 spotted base camp. At grid BS620500 spotted 3 huts and 1 pack...At grid BS637501 KIA 1 VC/NVA w/pack and 6 bags of rice.
09 Feb 0830
LRRP Team Oregon engaged w/ unknown # of enemy...3 Team members have been hit and request immediate extraction..Bde reports gunships on the way.
09 Feb 1415
Alpha Company at the grid location BS653424 found 8 bunkers 8'x 12'..6 fighting positions on both sides of trail...Rallier pointed this out to the company.
10 Feb 0001
Bde Weather Report: mostly cloudy with occasional drizzles with wind N-NE at 5-10 knots...Temperature 77/70 Humidity 100/85
10 Feb 0845
Warlords at grid location BS 620495 reported 3 huts & 2 tunnels...destroyed 1 hut at Grid BS622500, spotted at grid BS624510 10-15 huts, 1 stretcher & 4 green shirts...request fire mission and Arty at this location.
10 Feb 1418
SRRP 2 OPCON Alpha Company at grid location BS645432 found 1 military structure approximately 6 month old 6'x6' with 1 pound of rice...100 meters to the North on a trail running East-West...Found tracks heading East with approximately 15-20 persons....24-28 years old.
10 Feb 1525
Alpha Company's 2nd platoon at grid location BS654453 found a weapons cache , consisting of 1 AK-44-S# 11359715, 2 SKS nr's UT603 & 1283909, 1 shot gun, 1 NVA belt, 45 rounds SKS ammunition, 93 rounds AK ammunition and all items were found in tunnel underneath hut.
10 Feb 2251
Battalion Strength Report:
Alpha Company 7/80 Bravo Company 4/100 Charlie Company N/A Delta Company 5/94 Recon 1/38.
11 Feb 0001
Battalion Weather Report: Weather variable cloudiness, wind E-W at 5-10 knots...Temperature 78/68 Humidity 100/78.
11 Feb 1015
Warlords engaged at grid location BS 557406 with unknown # of NVA...results 3 NVA KIA..2 wearing green uniforms, 1 wearing pj's...enemy were concealed under green poncho.
11 Feb 1037
Alpha Company's 2nd platoon at grid location BS647458 found 5 bunkers 8'x12' 2-3 years old w/tunnels underneath...also found 1 CHICOM type radio, operational, Serial # 670650251
12 Feb 1108
Bravo Company's 2nd platoon at grid location BS 698394 on ambush spotted 1 NVA w/AK-47 rifle and was wearing a green uniform ...engaged at approximately 150 meters...results unknown...still in ambush.
12 Feb 1209
Warlords engaged at grid location BS623514 unknown # of NVA wearing green uniforms,packs, helmets, and AK-47's results; 2 NVA KIA. At grid location BS626518 spotted 4 new huts & chickens...destroyed 1 hut ...at grid location BS648517 destroyed many cooking utensils.
12 Feb 1710
SRRP Team 1 OPCON and Alpha Company at grid location BS653424 8'x4' & 2'x2' bandoleer torpedoes, 25 AK 47 magazines, 14 cases of AK-47 ammunition, 34 RPG 2' s, 35 RPG 7's, 88 pistol grenade signal flares, (red, white, green ), 1 CHICOM grenade, 4-82mm mortar rounds, 1 gas mask, 10 lbs tnt, 15 fighting positions 2'x3'x3' w/OH cover.
12 Feb 1950
Battalion strength Report:
Alpha Company 4/86 Bravo Company 5/99 Charlie Company 4/96 Delta Company N/A Recon 1/36.
13 Feb 1450
Elements of CIDG from BaTo were ambushed at grid location BS486613 by unknown # of enemy...results 2 WIA seriously and dust-off is requested.
13 Feb 1657
Bravo Company at grid location BS694356 found along the trail in VN "Yankee go to US...VC Territory.
13 Feb 2035
Battalion Strength Report;
Alpha Company 3/87 Bravo Company 5/99 Charlie Company 5/94 Delta Company N/A Recon 1/36.
14 Feb 1235
Bravo Company requests dust-off for 1 US EM person w/heat exhaustion.
14 Feb 1405
Warlord spotted 1 VC /NVA tunnels and bunkers at grid location BS579398...request Arty 105's from LZ San Juan Hill..results 1 VC/NVA KIA ..one tunnel complex and 2 bunkers destroyed.
15 Feb 0001
Bn Weather Report : Partly cloudy, winds from E-SE at 8-15 knots by noon..Temperature 83/67 Humidity 95/65.
15 Feb 1125
Charlie Company observed 1 VC/NVA at grid location BS553413 working in open rice paddies..engaged with Arty. 1330 Target engaged w/31 rounds HE and 4 rounds WP....results unknown.
15 Feb 1428
Bravo Company requests dust-off for 1 US EM person WIA from S/A fire. 1504 Line #44 Brink, Lester E ..gunshot wound of left thigh.
15 Feb 2025
Bravo Company requests dust-off for person who fell out of tree..resulting in vomiting and headache..Dust-off is cancelled until morning by Doctor control;
#20 Blades, Kenneth SGT .
16 Feb 1102
Bravo Company's 2nd & 4th platoons found a base camp at grid location BS698337...3 bunkers 5'x10' also 5 recently constructed frames fo huts, Found 1 hut 4'x7' recently used (within one week). At grid location BS691342 ..CP and 1st platoon found old base camp, 3-4 huts used by 2-3 enemy persons within 12 hours.
16 Feb 1235
Bravo Company's 3rd platoon at grid location BS691342 found a small village w/7 huts, found pigs , chickens, small arms ammunition and homemade bomb...more to follow. 1420 100 M-60 rounds, 300 M-16 rounds, 27 AK-47 rounds, 66 30 cal rounds, 19 SKS rounds, 7 M-1 rounds, 4 homemade bombs w/C-4, a blasting cap and time fuse. 5 NVA canteens, 2 first aid kits, 2 khaki uniforms, 1 US blanket and documents.
17 Feb 1230
Charlie Company spotted at grid location BS574417, 10 VC/NVA were wearing black pj's w/ruck sacks and negative weapons...engaged w/105's from LZ SJH ...results unknown with enemy moving East.
17 Feb 1450
Charlie Company's 2nd platoon at grid location BS572425 found 2 new huts 6'x4'...old huts 6'x8', 9 bunkers 5'x2'x3'w/OH cover, 8 60 mm mortar rounds, huts were burned and had small arms fire.
17 Feb 1458
Bravo Company's 1st & 2nd platoons at the grid BS697344, 12 graves, 5 recently dug. 6 graves were dug up and all the bodies were wrapped in US type ponchos. 1835 Bravo Company at grid BS691341 found in one grave that was found earlier...one dog tag: Johnson Thomas M , Blood type O Religion-Luthern.
18 Feb 1050
CIDG OPCON to Charlie Company engaged at grid BS579428 2 VC/NVA wearing black pj's...negative results as enemy evaded to the E...engaged and killed 4 water buffalos. 1335 Water buffalo killed by CIDG's ...change from 4 to 7.
18 Feb 1410
Bravo Company spotted and engaged at grid BS688335 2 VC approximately 75 meters away heading toward LZ JEFF...Old Man and girl in light clothing and policing NDP...results unknown.
19 Feb 1030
CIDG platoon OPCON to Charlie Company spotted at grid BS568445, approximately 22 VC/NVA moved into open area from wood line...engaged with 81 mm mortar and requests Warlords at 1010 hrs.
19 Feb 1215
Warlord report : many trails, bunkers, fighting positions and recent signs of activity...Charlie Company holding in place for further instructions.
19 Feb 2010
Battalion Strength Report;
Alpha Company 5/86 Bravo Company 7/99 Charlie Company 4/97 Delta Company 5/94 Recon 1/26.
20 Feb 1025
CIDG platoon from Minh Long at grid location BS518478 was ambushed by VC squad with negative results....enemy withdrew.
20 Feb 1215
Charlie Company in their last nights NDP at grid location BS577434 observed 5 VC/NVA w/packs and negative weapons...engaged with 81 mm mortar and Arty..CIDG OPCON Charlie Company is checking out area. 1335 Results: 1 VC/NVA KBA. CIDG'S sweep produced results...engaged 2 VC/NVA and had 1 blood trail to the South and lost trail. Enemy wore black pj's; negative weapons or packs.
21 Feb 1230
Charlie Company's 1st platoon observed 2 VC/NVA and 4 water buffalo at grid location BS 564457 they were wearing black pj's and moving NW...engaged w/81 mm mortar with negative results.
21 Feb 1445
Alpha Company's 3rd platoon at grid location BS673486 found what appears to be a training area containing 8 huts 20'x 35' with small tunnels under each of the huts..they also found two documents..recent activity...all huts destroyed.
21 Feb 1700
Bravo Company's 2nd platoon found and destroyed 1 hut 10'x10', 1 rice knife, 2 spears....2 bunkers found next to hut.
21 Feb 1905
Charlie Company's 3rd platoon in NDP at the grid location BS577451 observed 5 VC 500 meters to their N-NW...engaged w/105's from LZ San Juan Hill- 15 rounds..unknown results.
21 Feb 1945
Battalion Strength Report ;
Alpha Company 5/88 Bravo Company 6/99 Charlie Company 3/93 + 34 CIDG Delta Company 5/96 Recon 1/34.
22 Feb 0225
On LZ San Juan Hill radar tracked on grids BS652381 & BS651377 until it disappeared from the screen..Engaged w/15 rounds 4.2 HE and quad 50 cal. A Sgt from Quad 50 cal crew reported 1 man injured, by a piece of flying metal in the face while firing on target man taken to aid station. 0400 Injured man was SP4 Thomas Orgill G Battery/55th Arty...suffered superficial wound on face and received 7 stitches.
22 Feb 1141
Bravo Company requests a dust-of at the grid location BS695306, 1st and 3 rd platoon while on separate sweeps had a meeting engagement. only one member of the patrols fired which resulted in one man hit by friendly fire.
Line # 181 Pfc Vincent Scapellato WHA shot in leg
23 Feb 1055
Bravo Company's 1st platoon At grid location BS699305 while walking...point hit a overhead booby trap, pressure release type, explosive unknown..results: 1 US KIA , 2 US WIA, 1 VN KCS.
Schneider, Dennis P. PFC KIA Hobbs, Thomas M. PFC WIA Delcon, Jesus R. SP4 WIA Tu, Ong KCS WIA
23 Feb 1145
Charlie Company's 2nd platoon while on patrol at the grid location BS594445 (suspected enemy base camp) engaged unknown # of NVA wearing green uniforms, negative weapons...Results: 1 NVA KIA. As the unit was investigating they were encountered by 1 NVA w/weapon who fired a burst of 20 rounds of AK-47...results: 1 US WIA, 1 US KIA...NVA evaded to the East....... Molettiere, Barry A SGT KIA Furey, Albert SP4 WIA
24 Feb 1221
Delta Company point element found at grid location BS669494 an M-26 frag booby trapped...approximately 2' above the trail...blew in place.
24 Feb 1550
Charlie Company requests a dust-off for 1 US EM from Charlie Company with a sprained ankle. Herrera, Lorenzo PFC
25 Feb 0001
Bde Weather Report : Early morning cloudiness, fog, otherwise partly cloudy and warmer with winds from the S-E at 5-15 knots...Temperature 87/73 Humidity 100/65.
26 Feb 1020
Bravo Company requests a dust-off at grid location BS678298 (emergency) for line # 71...sniper wound in head. Stats, Gerald SP4 WIA head wound 1032 Bravo Company's 2nd platoon while on ambush posture at grid location BS678298 received sniper fire from the SW (last nights NDP). Individual wounded in foxhole and the wound was the result of a ricochet..bullet landing in his brain...individual in poor condition. Died of head wounds .
26 Feb 1315
Charlie Company requests dust-off for line # who is running a high fever of unknown origin. Biondo, Filippo PFC
27 Feb 0210
CPT Kirk Bravo Company CO advised TOC he had received S/A fire and one per was slightly wounded...dust-off not requested. Bn surgeon determined injured man would not require dust-off until morning.
27 Feb 0245
At 0200hrs. bravo Company in NDP at grid location BS648492 and received 4 AK rounds from SE ...30 rounds from the West one man was injured..hit in head, grazing on top, not serious. Burn, John PFC WIA
27 Feb 0926
At 0915 hrs. CIDG Co found at grid location BS705294, 7 military structures 8'x10' and destroyed. Engaged # of VC, unable to determine age or clothing...they evaded to the E.. AK-50 magazine and asst clothes...negative results.
28 Feb 1710
At 1700, CRP's OPCON Bravo Company captured 2 mountain yards..1 woman approximately 45 years old wearing black pj's and 1 boy approximately 6 years old wearing black shorts moving North on the trail.