Complete Sitreps For Every Day Of 1968 |
September 1968
01 Sept 68 1026
At 1015 hrs.Charlie Company's 3rd platoon, at grid location BT370138 observed 4 VCS moving into an area and then carrying something to the Northeast.
01 Sept 68 1300
At 1300 hrs, received report of a motor vehicle accident. Vehicle was traveling at a excessive speed and hit a culvert & turned over, resulting in 4 US injured & evacuated by dust off, 1 US killed & still pinned beneath vehicle. Indivual's parent unit is unknown at this time. MP's and medical personnel at the scene of the accident; more to follow. Killed Pfc Edward Merl Jackson / 198th light Infantry Brigade
01 Sept 68 1415
Bravo Company requests a dust off for 1 US EM from Bravo Company with FUO. Dust off was completed at 1425 hrs.
Line # 43 Sp/4 Lee E. Gale FUO
01 Sept 68 1615
Bravo Company requests a dust off for 1 US EM from Bravo Company with FUO. Dust off was completed at 1630hrs.
Line # 134 Pvt Biblo Dantzler FUO
01 Sept 68 1853
Bravo Company requests a dust off for 1 US EM from Bravo Company with FUO. Dust off was completed at 1907 hrs. William J. Connelly
01 Sept 68 2005
Late Entry; Request a dust off for 1 US EM from Recon platoon, self inflicted gun shot in the leg with a M-79. Dust off was requested at 1945 hrs. but was delayed due to bad weather. Dust off completed at 2020 hrs.
Line # 70 Peter Alexander
03 Sept 68 0030
Hill 54 received 1 incoming round, that is suspected to be a 82mm mortar. There were negative casualties.
03 Sept 68 1140
Delta Company requests a dust off for 1 US EM line # 74 from Delta Company with heat exhaustion. evacuated from QNAF by C&C.
03 Sept 68 1200
Alpha Company 1/46 Infantry closed Hill54, assumes mission in 4/3 sector of 198th LIB AO. 4/3 Infantry released from OPCON 198th LIB. 4/3 Infantry displaced Alpha, Charlie, Delta & FWD CP element from Hill 54 to Quang Ngai Airfield; Bravo & Echo to secure LZ Buff at grid BS38825.
04 Sept 68 1100
At 1055 hrs. LTC Russell while on recon with C&C aircraft. Received automatic weapons fire from grid location BS70730 & BS468740. Aircraft was at a altitude of 1500 feet; damage assessment unknown.
04 Sept 68 1355
Charlie Company's 3rd platoon at grid location BS449749, engaged and KIA 1 VC, female, 25 years old and evading. Shouted at VC to stop, and fired warning shoots to no avail.
04 Sept 68 1425
Alpha Company at grid location BS451778, found 1 camouflaged foxhole and part of 1 US M18A1 mine (claymore).
04 Sept 68 1505
At 1450 hrs. Charlie Company's 3rd platoon, at grid location BS435751, found 5 VC type blasting caps w/short fuses, 56 batteries equivalent to BA-30 (not US), large quantity of medical supplies, pain pills & penicillin, 2 pairs of wire cutters, 2 pairs of tweezers, trip wire, lighters & kool-aid.
04 Sept 68 1530
C&C ship at grid location BS489750, engaged 3 VC w/ packs that were swimming in the river, resulting in 3VC KIA.
04 Sept 68 0820
At 0810 hrs. Charlie Company's 3rd platoon at grid location BS449755. apprehended 2 VCS & 1 NVA. Found NVA in a hole, 20-30 years old. The 2 VCs were 20-30 & 40-50 years old, and only 1 had ID.
05 Sept 68 1145
Recon platoon received heavy AK-47 fire from grid location BS545794; enemy force of unknown size. 1 US EM from Recon platoon / WHA, evacuated by C&C ship.
Line # 55 Pfc Paul W. Adams WHA
05 Sept 68 1415
Delta Company's 3rd platoon 2nd squad, at grid location BS474725, reports that they are pinned down by a hostile fire from both ridges at grids BS479723 & BS482726. Delta Company is presently maneuvering. Results; 1 US WHA.
05 Sept 68 1555
Resume of Delta Company contact with enemy. Made contact at 1415 hrs; broke contact at 1540 hrs. Estimate enemy squads are at grid location BS482725 & BS470725. Aero Scouts & gunships worked over the enemy location. Enemy losses are unknown. Delta Company sustained 2 US WHA at 1500 hrs.
Sp/4 Paul G. Amason WHA gunshot right shoulder Pfc David C. Tanck WHA gunshot upper left leg Yeargin (medic) WHA gunshot right buttock Garchek WHA gunshot in upper left leg Sgt James S. Hath KHA
05 Sept 68 1617
Delta Company reports that a C&C aircraft has been shot down at grid location BS475729; casualties unknown at this time; presently receiving heavy fire. 1630 Delta Company reports that there are 1 US KHA & 2 US WHA on the C&C aircraft.
05 Sept 68 1631
At 1625 hrs. Charlie Company was directed to move to assist Delta Company.
05 Sept 68 1655
Evacuation of Delta Company's 2 WHA & C&C atrcraft crew completed at this time. Pick-up made in 2 lifts, the 2nd at 1700 hrs.
05 Sept 68 1930
Resume of C&C aircraft crash: C & C was moving in to pick up US persons WHA; they received heavy small arms fire & automatic weapons from grid location BS476718 & BS487724 & BS476715. Fire received from estimated 15 automatic weapons and causing aircraft to crash at grid location BS481721 resulting in: 1 US KHA & 2 WHA. Cpt Barbare KHA ALO from B 6/11 Arty Pierce WHA Alpha Company FO from B 6/11 Arty Mr Gills WHA aircraft commander
06 Sept 68 0822
At 0810 hrs. Alpha Company received 1 VC Cheiu Hoi, 22 years old and wearing light grey-blue clothes. States that VC forced him to work for them; also states that there were 100-150 VC in the vicinity of grid location BS492725. VC were armed with M-16 & AK-47 & AK-50 rifles. He said the area had many bunkers.
06 Sept 68 1055
At 1045 hrs. Charlie Company's 3rd platoon at grid location BS473767, found 2 booby-traps, M-26 grenades in a ammo pouch under a bush. Wire led across the trail by a 6 foot stick. Also found 3 huts in the area, that had been slept in last night. Destroyed booby-traps & huts.
06 Sept 68 1320
Aero Scouts, at grid location BS548766, engaged and KIA 1 VC w/weapon; observed several other VC w/weapons evading to the East, 1 tripod mounted weapon; request permission to insert ground element.
06 Sept 68 1410
Recon platoon reports being pinned down by automatic fire from wood line at grid location BS548773. 1440 Gunships are on station in the vincinty of the Recon platoon location. 1442 Recon platoon reports 2 US WHA; unable to reach them at this time. 1708 Recon platoon reports 1 US WHA; more to follow.
06 Sept 68 1726
Aero Scouts at grid location BS552772, reports 10 VC KIA all wearing khaki uniforms; captured 1 carbine rifle, 1 RPG. destroyed 10 RPG rounds; captured 1 AK-50 assault rifle. Estimate Company size VC unit was in village. Extracted Infantry unit at 1615 hrs.
06 Sept 68 1800
Recon platoon reports that 5 men are pinned down. Alpha & Bravo Company's are instructed by Maj McAnaw to move their units toward the recon element.
06 Sept 68 1935
Extraction of Recon elements; On 1st lift 2 slicks (Dolphins) took hits, 1 pilot WHA (hit in leg); 2 ships extracted 5 US each. Dolphin pilot reports enemy fire was .50 cal AW, SA, & mortar. Enemy waited until aircraft was on ground before opening fire. Fire came from tree line in the vincinty of enemy village.
06 Sept 68 2233
Bravo Company reports it found 1 US pack -complete, and believed to from recon platoon. 2240 Bravo Company reports it picked up 1 individual, from recon platoon at grid BS544773; uninjured. 2300 Alpha & Bravo Company's still moving toward recon position. 2323 Bravo Company reports it found 2 US (uninjured) from the recon element, who state they know the location of 2 more US.
The battle that has developed over the last 24 hours will earn the recon platoon a presidential unit citation.
07 Sept 68 0003
Bravo Company reports they have found Recon's platoon leader, Lt Montgomery WHA.
07 Sept 68 0004
Dust off aircraft called into Recon location grid BS548733 to extract 1 WHA & 3 uninjured persons from Recon element.
07 Sept 68 0020
Bravo Company reports they found 10 US KHA from Recon platoon. All 10 were stripped of field gear, except for uniform, helmet & boots.
07 Sept 68 0045
Bravo Company reports they found 2 M-16, 1 M-79 GL, 1 radio (type unknown), 7 6-8 field packs.
07 Sept 68 0120
Status Of Recon platoon; 10 US KHA, 4 WHA, 13 uninjured; 1 MIA (believed to be KHA).
07 Sept 68 0225
Bravo Company reported finding 1 US KHA from Recon platoon, it was previously considered MIA. Dust off completed at 0310 hrs.
07 Sept 68 0515
Late Entry; At 0345 hrs. Battalion received a list of casualties from Lt Willingham, Commander Echo Company; as follows;
Sp/4 Terrance Randall Hanson KHA
Sgt Edward William Secrest KHA
Pfc Barry Russell Moree KHA
Pfc Hershel Eugene Morrow KHA
Pfc Jerry Gordon Richard KHA
Sp/4 Floyd Laverne Still KHA
Pfc Rayner Edward Williams KHA
Pfc Donnie Raymond White KHA
Sp/4 Larry Allen Jones KHA medic
Gehman WHA
Walker WHA
Alejo WHA
LT Montgomery WHA
07 Sept 68 0953
Aero Scouts at grid location BS560787, engaged & KIA 2 VC (1 in green uniform) evading. Negative weapons. Also destroyed 1 bunker at same location.
07 Sept 68 1140
Delta Company at grid location BS564772, requests dust off for 3 US EM from Delta Company with WHA from booby traps. Also reports 1 US KHA. Dust off completed at 1200 hrs.
07 Sept 68 1150
Delta Company's booby trap was a 105mm Howitzer Artillery round, that was command detonated. Results; 1 US KHA & 3US WHA.
Sp/4 William Cooper KHA
Pfc Cheney WHA concussion
Pfc James Elker WHA frag / upper trunk
PFC Robert Hannah WHA frag / head & back of neck
07 Sept 68 1240
Results of Interview W/Members of Recon Platoon Re-engagement of 06-07 Sept 68;
Recon platoon was in contact with a enemy force that is estimated from 2 Companys to a Battalion.
Enemy had numerous automatic weapons, to include a 6 AA machine guns.
VC/NVA force sustained at least 34 KIA's (confirmed) from gunships & small arms fire (observed kills).
Recon platoon members believe VC/NVA from airstrikes & gunship fire(no estimate given).
07 Sept 68 1445
Delta 3/1 Infantry at grid location BS553782, found the following items in a hut; 1 82mm mortar base plate, 2 82mm bipods serial # 130763, other unknown. 82mm mortar FDC equipment; 7 82mm HE rounds, 1 WP 82mm round, 2 chicom grenades, 4 82 mm mortar fuses, 2 US steel helmets, M-60 MG ammo, M-16 rifle ammo, 4 NVA uniforms, 1 AK-47 magazine w/pouch, 1 poncho, 3 entrenching tools, 1 AK-47 assault rifle-serial # 2008282; medical supplies, 2 canteens, 2 US packs w/canteens & personal items.
08 Sept 68 0701
Delta Company reports has individual at their grid location at BS549783, that was stuck in his leg w/a stick & requires a tetanus shot from the medics at LZ Buff.
08 Sept 68 1130
Charlie Company at grid location BS49784, have a VN who states that the VC have moved to the base of OP # 1. VN also states that there are 35 VC North of Nui Tron that are armed w/weapons & grenades, and were storing rice at grid location BS520765.
08 Sept 68 1638
Bravo Company at grid location BS480770, requested evacuation of 2 US EM w/ frag wounds from a hand grenade thrown by the enemy. Dust off completed at 1730 hrs.
Pfc Michael Whalen WHA
Jesse Thompson WHA Echo Company
09 Sept 68 1118
At 1105 hrs. Bravo Company received a unknown # of rounds of sniper fire from grid location BS465777; returned fire, resulting in; 3 VC KIA. 1 VC was carrying 2 chicom grenades. Contact broken at 1112 hrs.
09 Sept 68 1201
Gunships report that 1 helicopter went down at grid location BS555775, cause of crash unknown at this time. Negative casualties. Observed unknown number of VN at 200 meters to the North, ( unknown if they are VC ).
09 Sept 68 1748
At 1745 hrs. Aircraft( dolphin 530 ) received sniper fire upon arriving at Alpha Company location; Aircraft was forced down at grid location BS493781 with no casualties.
09 Sept 68 1805
Crew of downed C&C aircraft extracted by helicopter-Dolphin 588.
09 Sept 68 1818
Bravo Company requests a dust off for 1US EM from Bravo Company with FUO. Dust off completed at 1831 hrs.
Victor Osness FUO
09 Sept 68 1920
Alpha Company's 2nd platoon, engaged 7 VC w/weapons, resulting in 2 VC KIA; bodies were located on the North side of lake & Alpha Company was unable to check for weapons.
13 Sept 68 1045
Delta Company's 3rd platoon at grid location BS512716, discovered a cave which Hoi Chanh indentifies as one containing a weapons cache. There are numerous well used trails leading to the cave.
13 Sept 68 1240
Charlie Company at grid location BS503698, found punji stakes along the trail and found 1 booby trapped chicom grenade.
13 Sept 68 1557
At 1530 hrs. Bravo Company's 1st platoon, found 1 B40 rocket; 1 60mm mortar rocket, 10 NVA khaki uniform, misc foodstuffs, firing device for M18A1 (claymore) mine, 1 steel helmet, misc documents, 2 boxes of assorted small arms ammo & 1 chicom grenade.
13 Sept 68 1957
Support for 1/1 Cav on order for operation 14 Sept 68, Bravo, Charlie, & Delta Companys will be inserted into blocking positions South of the river to the East. Alpha Company will be a blocking position around LZ at grid location BS613760. Cav troop will move to the South of the river. Also C&C aircraft will arrive 0700 hrs.
14 Sept 68 0847
Charlie Company at grid location BS513673, found large, well concealed found beneath large rocks. Also found US made sniper scope & 2 cases of new .50 cal linked ammo.
14 Sept 68 0945
Delta Company at grid location BS514744, requests a dust off for 1 US EM from Delta Company w/ schrapnel wounds from a M-14 mine. Dust off was completed at 0955 hrs. by C&C.
Sgt William V. Lewis WHA schrapnel wounds
14 Sept 68 1325
1/1 Cav reports that a small helicopter went down at grid location BS522753.
14 Sept 68 1815
Cache found by Charlie Company at grid location BS508669; 1 French 9mm sub-MG-model M1948; 2 Chinese made, Soviet designed, 7.62mm Goryunov Heavy MG-Model SGM8 7 serial # 100479; 1 BAR; 1 AK-44; 4 carbines; 1 starlight scope serial #13773; 1 mortar sight-serial #302067; 4 pairs of binoculars; 100 PG7 rockets; 5 122mm rockets; 98 57mm RR rounds; 14 82mm mortar rounds; 22 PG2 rockets; 562 blasting caps; 400 rounds of .51 cal; 2040 rounds of .30cal; 1 wheeled mount for 12.7 mm MG; 1 radio (transceiver) serial # 15601 US made (collins Radio, Cedar Falls, Iowa).
15 Sept 68 0723
Delta Company's 2nd platoon at grid location BS500706, report the loss of a starlight scope, serial # 2867. Starlight scope was lost 13 Sept or the morning of 14 Sept 68.
15 Sept 68 0945
Bravo Company reported that 1 US from Bravo Company shot himself in the left instep. Line # 84. C&C ship evacuated indivual to Chu Lai.
15 Sept 68 1040
Lost starlight scope has been found and returned to Delta Company.
15 Sept 68 1545
Airstrike commenced at grid location BS553784, 2nd pass resulted in 4 secondary explosions, 1 of which produced white smoke.
16 Sept 68 1200
4/3 Infantry relieved 1/20 Infantry of responsibility for the Duc Pho AO.
16 Sept 68 1201
Bn CP & Echo Company at grid BS874325 LZ Thunder
Alpha Company at grid BS817383 on LZ Bronco
Bravo Company at grid BS752435 on LZ Liz
Charlie Company at grid BS874325 on LZ Thunder
Delta Company at grid BS730528 on LZ Dragon
Charlie Company at grid BS927222 1st & mortar platoon on LZ Charlie Brown
16 Sept 68 1915
Received message from Brigade; that a downed jet aircraft is possibly located South of LZ Charlie Brown. Flare & gunships are en-route to the vincinty of LZ Charlie Brown and will be on our FM net.
17 Sept 68 0708
Battalion Strength Report
Alpha Company 103
Bravo Company 94
Charlie Company 88
Delta Company 107
17 Sept 68 1445
At 1420 hrs. at grid location BS912265, a tractor for a lowboy was ambushed; it received small arms fire from both sides of the road, while traveling South. 1US WHA dust off completed at this time.
17 Sept 68 1530
Monitored on Arty FD net; US vehicle struck a mine on Highway # 1 between Mo Duc & Duc Pho LTC Russell will investigate in C&C aircraft. 1535 LTC Russell located 1 US vehicle on LZ Dragon access road, where it was damaged by a mine. 1 US WHA was evacuated by C&C aircraft; 1 US WHA pinned beneath vehicle. Wrecker requested from 11LIB.
17 Sept 68 1559
Bravo Company at grid location BS750440. LTC Russell at grid location BS745516, reports that APC has righted vehicle; C&C aircraft will evacuate 1 US WHA.
20 Sept 68 1058
At 0800 hrs. Delta Company & 19th Engineers, while on road clearing detail; found and destroyed 1 ea 40mm ctg ( for M-79 GL ) buried halfway in the East side of the road shoulder, at grid location BS882307, near Bridge 105.
20 Sept 68 1235
Charlie Company's 3rd platoon observed and pursued 1 VC that was evading into a tunnel at grid location BS782407. VC threw a grenade at US EM. Negative results known at this time.
20 Sept 68 1520
Late Entry; Charlie Company's 3rd platoon, Results of apprehension of PW: received secondary explosion when grenade was thrown. PW states there is 1 dead VC in tunnel w/ carbine.
20 Sept 68 16022
Charlie Company's 3rd platoon, while on combat sweep at grid location BS782407 at 1235 hrs. 1US EM WHA. Dust off was completed at 1725 hrs.
Pfc Larry Goodwin WHA frag/head
22 Sept 68 0350
Received a message from Brigade; Perimeter at LZ Bronco has received 14 incoming rounds unknown mortar type. Negative casualties / damages.
22 Sept 68 0750
Request priority dust off for 1 US EM from Charlie Company's 3rd platoon at grid location BS898317. Line # 114 w/ gunshot wound in left leg. EM received wound while on offensive search. Priority dust off completed at 0800 hrs. WHA
22 Sept 68 0910
Late Entry; At 0300 hrs. Charlie Company's 2nd platoon, 3rd squad on bridge 111 at grid location BS813368, received 2 M-79 (40mm) grenades from grid location BS809318, resulting in 1 US WHA on left thigh; no evacuation required. Line #134 from Charlie Company WHA.
22 Sept 68 1001
At 0945 hrs. Delta Company 19th Engineer(Road clearing Team ), found road block at grid location BS814360, consisting of a bamboo fence w/barbed wire. Obstacle was booby-trapped w/hand grenade placed beneath it. Engineers destroyed obstacle & continued on mission.
22 Sept 68 1020
At 0915 hrs. Delta Company 19th Engineer road clearing team at grid location BS748508, and while sweeping the road North, found 1 pressure type mine, approx 15 lbs; destroyed mine. At grid location BS783432, while sweeping South, found road in bushes. Removed obstacles.
22 Sept 68 1132
At 1100 hrs. Delta Company 19th Engineers road clearing team, at grid location BS800396, found and destroyed 6 hand grenade booby traps. They were placed in hole with rocks holding down the lever. Engineer element continued mission.
22 Sept 68 2102
At 2055 hrs. Charlie Company's 3rd platoon, 2nd squad, received 1 frag grenade from South side of Bridge 111. Returned fire...Fired illumination flares...Negative casualties...Negative results.
27 Sept 68 0845
At 0835 hrs. a VN approached Charlie Company's 3rd platoon and at Bridge 95 at the grid location BS920233. The individual wanted to sell a M-79 for $150.00. The individual was detained for interrogation.
27 Sept 68 1125
Helix 31 delivered 2 air strikes to grid location BS913185. Results were; 4 bunkers & 3 trenches were destroyed between 1030-1125 hrs. Number of VC cows KIA is unknown at this time.
27 Sept 68 1320
LTC Russell Battalion Commander 4/3 Infantry, confiscated the M-79 that was in possession of the VN and serial number is not known. VN has been released. Sent to Battalion S-4.
27 Sept 68 1425
Recon platoon requests C&C evacuation for 1 US EM w/ shrapnel wound to the chin. At grid location BS898314, from friendly fire. 1426 Individual was destroying 35 sampans on the beach head at grid location BS898314 , with a M-79 and was wounded by flying shrapnel. Evacuated to Battalion Aid Station by C&C.
Echo Company EM Easiey
27 Sept 68 1452
C & C ship received 3 rounds of small arms fire from grid location BS885324, negative hits to C&C ship. Took fire at 400 feet, altitude.
28 Sept 68 0745
At 0740 hrs. Recon platoon at the grid location of BS841307, detained 2 VCS MAM in hut. Individual was packed and ready to leave.VCS were extracted to PW (prisoner of war) compound at LZ Bronco.
28 Sept 68 0830
At 0800 hrs. Delta Company 19th Engineers at the grid location BS882306, found wires leading to huts which appeared to be booby trapped. Element burned 7-8 huts with no secondary explosions.
28 Sept 68 0902
At 0830 hrs. Recon platoon, at grid location BS843310, found 2 baskets (large) rice in hut was 120 lbs (destroyed). At grid location BS843309, found 1 105mm Howitzer round intact. Destroyed in place.
28 Sept 68 0903
At 0845 hrs. Alpha Company's 2nd platoon, 2nd & 3rd squads at grid location BS932240, found and destroyed 15 fishing boats near the village. Alpha Company destroyed a total of 16 sampans.
28 Sept 68 1310
At 1300 hrs. Delta Company found and destroyed 28 sampans at grid location BS865366.
28 Sept 68 1325
At 1320 hrs. Delta Company's 3rd platoon at grid location BS870359, found 6 small engines that are US made. Brigade was notified & instructed them to destroy the engines.
28 Sept 68 1500
Delta Company's 3rd platoon at grid location BS869355, detained 1 VCS MAM w/o ID Card. Individual speaks fluent English. Also detained 1 VCS 85 years old. Individual had signs on his hut saying "Yankee go home". "Yankee go to hell". Extracted to LZ Bronco Interpreter.
28 Sept 68 2025
At 2008 hrs. Charlie Company on NDP, received approx 10 rounds of small arms fire (possible carbine) from grid location BS885324. Returned fire with 4.2 mortar...negative results and negative US casualties.
30 Sept 68 0705
Alpha Company's 2nd platoon, 3rd squad reports presently in contact. Estimated force of 4-6 VC w/ carbines and possibly 1 AK-47, from grid location BS779369. Gunships requested, broke contact at 0725 hrs. Arty called in and end of mission at 0800 hrs. Alpha Company is presently sweeping the area.
30 Sept 68 0928
Alpha Company engaged 1 VC, resulting in 1 VC WIA. Also 1 VN boy came in line of fire and received a gunshot wound-extracted to LZ Bronco for medical treatment. Also Alpha Company received 2 US casualties as follows;
Pfc Mylo L. Hagen WHA minor frag/right leg remain in field Sgt Ronald Hayes WHA frag / face evacuate to LZ Thunder
30 Sept 68 1120
Alpha Company's 2nd platoon received s/a fire from 1 AK-47 and at least 5 carbines. At the same time 3rd platoon received fire from at least 2 AK-47's, 4 carbines and 1 MG, possible a .30 cal. Due to the shape of the ridge line, where the enemy was positioned, the lines of fire from 2nd & 3rd platoons were going toward each other. Sgt Hayes, of 3rd platoon was shot in the right cheek by one VC with a carbine, who was up a tree. He returned the fire and 1 VC KIA. The 3rd platoon RTO threw a grenade at 3 VC, approx 15 meters from his location wounding 1 and observing the others dragging him away. Fire was returned by gunships and all elements reported that the VC was firing at the aircraft. Arty was called in a search of the area was made....w/negative results and the VC evaded to the South.
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