Complete Sitreps For Every Day Of 1969 |
01 Mar. 69 0915
Charlie Company found 1 VC KIA wearing black pj bottoms and a green top. Bravo Company 5/46 Inf. found 1 VC KIA in a tunnel w/ negative weapons. VC was wearing a grey uniform, and had 1 AK-47 magazine in his pocket. Started to search grid BS5176 and area. Bravo Company 5/46 Inf. while searching area in grid BS5176...found 1 NVA pack, 10 shotgun shells (larger than 12 gauge). Wire cutters, 1 green uniform, NVA helmet, penicillin tablets, 1 canteen, 30 rounds of AK-47 ammo, 1 chicom grenade, 1 US flare parachute & writing material that shows person attended NVA school.
01 Mar. 69 0945H
Bravo Company 5/46 Inf. found 3 US KHA at grid BS517765. These men were listed as MIA on February 28, 1969. Positive identification was made by Charlie Company 's 2nd platoon leader.
Charlie Company
Line # 5 1LT Keithline, Richard Ward KHA
Line # 101 PFC Freund, John Carter KHA
Line # 142 PFC Groff, Dennis Allen KHA
01 Mar. 69 1050H
Charlie Company requests routine Dust off for 1 US with frag wounds in hand. Dust off complete at 1050 hrs. Line # 98 Pfc. Roland C. Demers
01 Mar. 69 1140H
Charlie Company requests a Dust off for 1 US gun shot to foot. Dust off completed 1105 hrs. Pfc. Major Fowler
01 Mar. 68 1545
Charlie Company reports finding a KHA Line # 114 PFC Wilbur L. Hicks at grid BS516765. Man was not accounted for as a KHA or MHA at the time of heavy contact approx 281730H Feb 69. Body was evacuated to graves registration at Chu Lai.
02 Mar. 69 1220H
Delta Company requests a Dust off at BS552852 for 4 US that hit a Bouncing Betty type mine booby trap. At the same area of the mine incident-a command detonated mine which was approx 250 lbs or larger was set off with negative casualties. Delta Company 1st & 2nd platoon withdrew and Arty worked the area.
Line # 98 Pfc. Gerald M. Hatley Line # 136 Pfc. Dennis Vanduyn Line # 154 SFC Ferguson
02 Mar. 69 2205H
LZ Buff request Dust off for 7 US WHA, 1 US KHA result of mortar/rocket attack. LZ Buff received 7 rocket rounds from suspected grids BS517815. At 2215 hrs LZ Buff received approx 3 mortar rounds from the same location as the rockets.
Line # 33 Major Walter Tully-KHA
Line # 1 LTC Jack Davis-WHA Line # 20 Msg. Dale Vincent-WHA Line #137 Sp4. Tony Emerson-WHA
Echo Company Line # 1 1Lt. Robert Callahan-WHA Line # 37 Sp4. Richard Mehegan-WHA
Line # 47 Sp4. Derald Stronach-WHA 4/3 Inf Chaplain Capt. Charles Savely-WHA
05 Mar. 69 1205
Delta Company 1st platoon at the grid of BS520807 found an electric hand generator that is used for detonation of explosives in a village...Destroyed
05 Mar. 69 1325
Delta Company 1st platoon at grid BS531807 spotted 1 VC evading and engaged him with small arms fire and resulting in ; 1 VC KIA who was approx 27 years old and was wearing black pj's. Negative weapons/ID/ or documents.
05 Mar. 69 1815
At 1750 hrs Delta company spotted 20 VC wearing black pj's and had packs at grid BS524798. VC were evading from an AS that was going in at Southwest of Delta Company NDP at grid BS521808. 50 caliber guns were fired from the APC's at the VC with negative results.
Delta Company's FO states that at grid square 5279. Arty had 5 VC KIA's..the distance was too far to verify weapons. The FO could see the remaining VC digging in.
05 Mar. 69 2000
At 1930 hrs a dust off was called in for a EM from H Troop 17th Cav. who had a temperture of 105 degrees. Dust off completed at 1955 hrs.
06 Mar. 69 1110
Delta Company's FO observed 20-25 VC evading to the South at grid BS525804. Arty was called in for fire mission and the results; 4 VC KIA.
06 Mar. 69 1315
S2 Captain Blanks at grid BS532784 found a house that was occupied by VC some time ago. Pictures of helicopters were on the walls and showed how to shoot them down.
06 Mar. 69 1320H
Charlie Company had a claymore go off while they were laying concertina wire. A requested Dust off for 3 US WHA ...a result of claymore detonation. Dust off completed 1342 hrs.
WHA PFC Timothy Taylor Sp/4 Raymond Ethier Sp/4 James Rustad
06 Mar. 69 1545
At 1400 hrs Delta Company at grid BS 552798, found 10 one man foxholes in a burned corn field, The holes were approx 2' x 4' x 3'. Also in the vincinty of grid BS 558798 they found 10 spider holes in a hedgerow 2 feet wide and 3 feet deep and were 10 meters apart.
07 Mar. 69 0730H
AO extension has not been approved and TF SPARGO vicinity CHIC will be postponed until approval is granted by the 198th Brigade. TF SPARGO moving up to the line of departure; Standing by for final approval by Brigade.
07 Mar. 69 1645H
At 1200 hrs Delta Company Line # 57 ........Sp/4 Walter McDavitt at grid BS545798, while checking a bunker....threw in a frag grenade and a piece came back, wounding him in the right arm. McDavitt was taken to Chu Lai by the Utility. Delta Company reports 1 US WHA with frag wound in right arm. Line # 57 Sp/4 Walter McDavitt
07 Mar. 69 1840
Delta Company from grid position BS557793 received 2 bursts of AK-47 fire with negative casualties. Returned fire with Arty, 81 mm & 50 caliber.
08 Mar. 69 0815
The APC's from H Troop 17th Cav from the CHIC had 1 APC hit a mine at grid BS680762, resulting in 2 US WHA (1 serious frag & 1 slight frag wound) Dust off completed 0900 hrs.
08 Mar. 69 1730
Bn Strength Report;
Alpha Company 105
Bravo Company 80
Charlie Company 99
Delta Company 88
Echo Company 81
08 Mar. 69 2120
At 1800 hrs at grid BS 602747. 190 RF Co 1 NVA KIA wearing a green uniform & CIA 1 AK-47 rifle which he was carrying. Serial # unknown.
09 Mar. 69 1420
At grid location BS533860 the APC's have 3 US WHA and 1 APC disabled from a RPG round. A dust off was called at 1420 hrs and completed at 1450 hrs. APC's KIA 2 NVA which were part of an RPG launching team and CIA ; 1 B-40 rocket launcher and rocket.
\09 Mar. 69 1630H
At grid BS533860, recon platoon has 1 US WHA and requests a Dust off for 1 USWHA. Line # 52 Sp4. Ronnie Pugh
09 Mar. 69 1745H
Recon at grid BS 533860 found 2 US KHA from Recon platoon and also found 2 NVA KIA wearing green uniforms and CIA; 1 AK-47 serial # 12093663, and some chicom grenades. 1 AN/PRC 25 radio and 3 M-16 rifles. At 1630 hrs Recon Platoon with Alpha Company vicinity BS533860 has 1 US WHA Ronnie Pugh SP4 and request Dust Off completed at 1645 hrs. At 1745 hrs on March 9, 1969 vicinity BS5533860 found 2 US KHA from Recon Platoon also found 2 NVA KIA wearing green uniforms and captured 1 AK-47 and some Chi Com grenades. The KHA Miller, Robin B. SGT and Petrie, John J. SP4. There are also two US MHA and 11 PRC-25 radio and 3 M-16 rifles US MHA Lindsey, Arthur D. PFC, Tinsley, Coy R. PFC. At 1745 hrs on March 9 1969 Alpha Company 4-3 Infantry in Support of Recon Platoon at BS533860 has 1 US KHA Mayers, Ralph E. PFC. At 1820 hrs Dust Off requested for 3 US WHA with 2 from Recon Platoon and 1 from Alpha Company. Recon Personnel Walker, Terry H. SP4 and Spohn, John M. PFC. Alpha Company WHA is Cruell, Charles M. PFC completed at 1840 hrs.
Line # 15 Sgt Robin B. Miller Line # 51 Sp/4 John J. Petrie US MHA Line # 88 Pfc Arthur D. Lindsay Line #103 Pfc Coy R. Tinsley
09 Mar. 69 1755H
March 9 1969 Alpha Company 4-3 Infantry in Support of Recon Platoon at BS533860 has 1 US KHA Mayers, Ralph E. PFC. At 1820 hrs Dust Off requested for 3 US WHA with 2 from Recon Platoon and 1 from Alpha Company. Recon Personnel Walker, Terry H. SP4 and Spohn, John M. PFC. Alpha Company WHA is Cruell, Charles M. PFC completed at 1840 hrs.
KHA Line # 120 Pfc Ralph E. Mayers
09 Mar. 69 1820H
Recon requests DUST OFF for 3 US WHA Line # 69 Sp/4 Terry H. Walker Line # 101 Pfc John M. Spohn Line # 101 Pfc Charles M. Cruell-Alpha Company
bunker....threw in a frag grenade and a piece came back, wounding him in the right arm. McDavitt was taken to Chu Lai by the Utility. Delta Company reports 1 US WHA with frag wound in right arm. Line # 57 Sp/4 Walter McDavitt
10 Mar. 69 0715
From Recon platoon at grid location BS533853. Line # 29 Sp/4 Floyd A. Chapman was taken to LZ Buff to have his eyes checked out as a result of the contact Recon platoon had the day earlier when a small arms round hit in front of him and dirt flew in his eyes causing them to swell.
10 Mar. 69 1100H
Recon platoon at grid location BS532861 recovered 1 US EM who was missing as a result of the contact that Recon made the day before with an enemy of unknown size. Found was Line # 88 Pfc Arthur D. Lindsey. Lindsey appeared to have been wounded and then shot in the face at close range. The body is being evacuated at this time.
Line # 88 Pfc. Arthur Lindsey-KHA
10 Mar. 69 1715
Bravo Company requested a dust off at 1630 hrs for 1 US EM with a 105 degree temperture. Dust off was completed at the CHIC at 1701 hrs. Line # 95 Sp/4 Ronnie L. Robertson.
11 Mar. 69 0840
FAC (HELIX 27) reports at grid location BS509855 they observed 1 large secondary explosion in tunnel and also a fire burning in the area of an AS.
11 Mar. 69 1120
Bravo Company 2nd platoon observed 1 VC evading from the village to the cane field in the vincinty of BS708784 and then received 2 sniper rounds w/negative casualties. Returning fire & checking out area.
11 Mar. 69 1400H
TF SPARGO at grid location BS717788 has 4 VC KIA, 2 red scarfs, 1 w/ camouflaged scarf, 4 pistol belts, 4 canteens, and 10 chicoms grenades CIA. Also have 1 VC WIA/CIA. VC is seriously wounded.
Maj Spargo (Bn XO) at grid location BS717788 reports 4 VC KIA and 1 M-16 rifle CIA w/7 full magazines...serial # was unreadable.
12 Mar. 69 1115
BN SRRP's at grid location found a small bunker with rice in it...blew it up. Also in the same area the SRRP's found 20 tunnels ( still fresh and inter connecting), 1 large trench line w/a 4 foot high barbed wire around the whole trench. Also found 1 M-26 grenade, a sling for loads used with helicopters, and some hand tools for wood working.
12 Mar. 69 1145H
At grid location BS595816 1 APC from H Troop 17th Cav hit a mine of unknown size resulting in ; 2 US KHA & 3 US WHA. The APC was completely destroyed and will be destroyed further in place. A dust off was called at 1150 hrs for the 3 US WHA (urgent) and completed at 1227 hrs.
Sp/4 Craft, Harland M.
Sp/4 Moore, Gary L.-Medic
13 Mar. 69 1200
Alpha Company at grid location BS672747 1 M-2A4B2 mine found in a tunnel by a Vietnamese boy. Request S2 to compensate with VIP fund.
13 Mar. 69 1705
Bn Strength Report
Alpha Company 98
Bravo Company 83
Charlie Company 100
Delta Company 91
Echo Company 74
H Troop 17th Cav 20
14 Mar. 69 1000
At 0955 hrs Charlie Company at grid location found 4 graves. In the graves were 4 MAM's (VC KIA) and they were believed to be killed by Arty. There were no weapons/ID/ or documents.
14 Mar. 69 1140
Charlie Company 1st platoon at grid location BS509831 killed 2 VC KIA while evading (1 male & 1 female) and they were approx 35-40 years old and wearing black pj' VC had on a white top. Negative ID/weapons/documents.
15 Mar. 69 1030
Charlie Company's 1st platoon received AW fire from grid location BS506805 with negative casualties; Arty was called in for a fire mission. Also at the same location the 1st platoon KIA 3 VC with small arms fire and CIA; 1 VC. None of the VC had weapons and were wearing blue uniforms.
Charlie Company's 1st platoon reports that VC CIA states there are 40 VC with weapons in a village at grid location BS507806. Also the VC states that the NVA come into the village every 3 days for rest & resupply.
15 Mar. 69 1315
At 0845 hrs the RF's with Alpha Company detained 10 VCS at grid location BS730796 and captured a M-1 carbine rifle and a Browning machine gun.
15 Mar. 69 1500
Delta Company at grid location BS491805 spotted between 30-40 VC in the open an called Arty on them, resulting in 6 VC KIA.
16 Mar. 69 0115H
Delta Company received incoming 1 incoming grenade on bunker line; resulting in 2 US WHA. Delta Company;
Line # 52 Steven Kletzin WHA
possible broken arm Line # 129 Bradley Swarthout WHA
frag wounds in face
16 Mar. 69 0900
Charlie Company 3rd platoon at grid location BS518816 1 KIA VC was wearing black pj's. The man was sitting on a bunker and in this bunker was 1 NVA uniform. Negative ID/weapons/documents.
16 Mar. 69 2135
Request a dust off 2055 hrs for 1 EM from H troop 17th Cav who had internal injuries. Dust off complete 2135 hrs.
17 Mar. 69 0835
Dust off requested for 1 EM with a temperture of 103 degrees. Bravo Company Line # 27 Sgt Dennis L. Zlomke. Dust off completed at 0825 hrs.
17 Mar. 69 1605
Bn Strength Report;
Alpha Company 92
Bravo Company 80
Charlie Company 104
Delta Company 94
Echo Company 76
17 Mar. 69 1630
Alpha Company received fire from 2 automatic weapons Northeast of grid location BS588851. Arty fired into area with unknown results.
18 Mar. 69 1000
ARVN 1/4 Cav element at grid location BS585791 found 12, 500 pounds of rice.
18 Mar. 69 2400
There were no other significant events throughout the AO.
19 Mar. 69 0155H
CHIC reports being hit by 15-20 RPG and SA fire result 2 US WHA 1 US KHA from Co. B. Also 2 WHA from MACV. Requested gunships, flareships and SPOOKY ship ....and all came on station. Casualties from Bravo Company;
Line # 73 James C. Johnson KHA
Line # 76 Neil H. Kobi
Line #111 Lawrence N. Babb
All dust off's complete at 0315 hrs.
19 Mar. 69 0200H
LZ Buff received 20-22 82 mm mortar rounds, resulting in 6 US WHA and 1 US KHA.
Line # 104 William Utts Echo KHA
Line # 126 John Page HHC WHA
Line # 159 Donald J. Antone HHC WHA
Line # 50 Steven Karpinski Delta WHA
Line # 127 Barry L. Spring Delta WHA
Line # 26 John R. Anderson Delta WHA
Line # 119 Ralph McConnaughay Delta WHA
19 Mar. 69 2250
Bravo Company requests a dust off at 2215 hrs and completed it at 2250 hrs for 1 US from H Troop with a high fever and 1 US from Bravo Company with high fever. From Bravo Company line # 96 Sp/4 Michael Rubenstein.
19 Mar. 69 Summary
Results of the days ops were: 2 US KHA, 8 US WHA, 11 VC KIA
20 Mar. 69 0035
Bravo Company reports receiving 23-25 60 mm mortar rounds, 3 RPG, 1 recoilless round, and a large amount of small arms fire (AK-47 & AK-44) and also 30 cal fire from North to East of grid location BS671748. Results were 3 US from H Troop 17th Cav WHA, 3 RF persons from 103rd RF Co WHA and 9 civilians were wounded also. Gunships & flareships came to station at 0130 hrs.
20 Mar. 69 1030H
Delta Company 3rd platoon leader stepped on a bouncing betty at grid location BS552821, but it failed to detonate. There were negative casualties.
20 Mar. 69 1640
Late Entry; At 1430 hrs at grid location BS 575820, 1st platoon H Troop working with Alpha Company engaged 5-7 evading resulting with; 3 VC KIA. VC were wearing black pj's and one of them had on a pistol belt and attached was a poncho and piece of parachute (used for 1st aid dressing)
21 Mar. 69 1000
Late Entry; At 0955 hrs a gunship was shot down by 50 cal fire approx 3000 meters from the Song Tra Khuc River. There were negative casualties and the ship landed on Hill # 10.
21 Mar. 69 1530H
1st platoon H Troop 17th Cav requested a DUST OFF at grid location BS561762. They received small arms fire resulting in 5 US WHA ( 3 US from H Troop and 2 US from Alpha Company)
Jack Barret Alpha Company WHA
Line # 120 Sp/4 George R. Malone- HHC - Medic WHA
21 Mar. 69 1740H
Charlie Company made contact with a enemy of unknown size at approx 1600 hrs. Dust off completed at 1740 hrs.
Line # 104 Pfc. Eli Collier WHA Line # 140 Pfc. Timothy Walsh WHA Line # 129 Pfc. Charles Orlowski MHA
21 Mar. 69 2005H
Late entry: During time Charlie Company was in contact(1615 hrs) at grid location BS571761 they lost 2 M-60 machine guns and 1 PRC-25 radio.
22 Mar. 69 0930H
Alpha Company request DUST OFF at grid location BS546768 receiving small arms fire and mortar from grids BS 550792 & BS555790. Arty mission called in. 2 US WHA by SA fire. At 9:30 on the morning of March 22, 1969 at BS 546768 Company A began receiving S/A fire and mortar fire. One US WHA Line # 9 Moreno, Ramon PSG. Wounded in abdomen by Frag.Chu Lai dust-off complete 10:43.
Line # 9 Psg. Ramon Moreno A Co WHA Died May 3, 1969
Line # William Huff / Charlie Company WHA
Charlie Company at grid location BS575765 has 1 US WHA in right shoulder, from sniper fire.
22 Mar. 69 1045
Charlie Company in the vincinty of grid BS596763 (the area of the missing EM from Charlie Company) trails, found blood trails, protective mask, 1 bandoleer of M-79 ammo and some personal belongings of the missing US from Charlie Company; a letter aaddressed to him with a photograph of him in it and a watch band.
22 Mar. 69 1400
Charlie Company at grid location BS588768 reports Line # 102 Pfc Douglas R. Chisholm with very high temperture and stomach pains and needs dust off. Dust off completed 1420 hrs.
22 Mar. 69 1806
Charlie Company requests a dust of for 1 US with high fever and stomach cramps; Line # 97 Pfc Edward Botsford. Dust off complete at 1806 hrs.
23 Mar. 69 1445
Delta Company's 1st & 3rd platoon at grid location BS5555822 received M-79 & AW fire from their rear with negative casualties. 4.2 81 mm mortars fired into the suspected area. Contact broken at 1450 hrs.
23 Mar. 69 1630
FAC (HELIX 27), at grid location BS562823, put in an AS destroying 7 structures, 10 spider holes & 20 meters of trench. Expended 51 500 pound bombs.
23 Mar. 69 2345
Late Entry; At 2130 hrs. received message from LNCO at Son Tinh, that the PF's were informed by the civilians that they spotted a US body floating in the ocean 1000 meters off shore at grid location BS7297. By morning the body should be at grid BS7786.
24 Mar. 69 0150H
LZ Buff received 15 rounds of incoming rockets, and 1 beer can grenade on the bunker line from suspected grid location BS578778. A estimated squad size element hit the bunker line; results were 3 US WHA (not serious), from Delta Company with frag wounds. Ddust off completed at 0215 hrs.
Line # 82 Pfc William Burgeon
Line # 113 Pfc Tyrone Lewis
Line # 122 Pfc Roddie L.Perry
24 Mar. 69 0630
Delta Company at LZ Buff, sent a patrol to sweep the perimeter and found; 2 large blood trails, 1 RPG-7 rocket, 2 propellant charges for a RPG-7 rocket, 6 chi com grenades, 1 VC pistol belt w/1st aid pouch & poncho attached to it.
24 Mar. 69 2230H
LZ Buff received small arms fire along the bunker line ......(at Bunker # 8) resulting in 1 US WHA in the stomach & legs. Dust off completed at 2250 hrs. An estimated 3 VC were probing the wire.
Line # 10 Charles Sizemore WHA
25 Mar. 69 1650
Bn Strength Report;
Alpha Company 87
Bravo Company 81
Charlie Company 99
Delta Company 91
Echo Company 75
25 Mar. 69 2125
Bravo Company at grid location BS515803, reported picking up 2 targets on their radar to the West of their position. One target (1 individual) was 280 meters from the perimeter at grid location BS512805. Bravo Company engaged target with 81 mm mortars and got a direct hit. The second target (4 individuals) was 100 meters from their perimeter at grid location BS513811. Arty was called in for a fire mission and got a direct hit or very close hit. Also 1 VC set off a trip flare on the East side of their perimeter. Bravo Company fired 81 mm mortars and small arms fire at the VC , but believe he escaped.
26 Mar. 69 1240H
Charlie Company requests a DUST OFF at grid location BS574746 (OPCON 4/21 Inf) reports 2 US WHA from their 3rd platoon, when they hit a 105 mm mine. Dust off complete -ed at 1250 hrs.
Line # 98 Pfc. Hurley M. Boyd-frag wounds both legs
Line # 56 Sp4. James Heneghan-frag wound upper left arm
26 Mar. 69 1400
Bravo Company at grid location BS511784, reports Line # 51 Sp/4 Jerry L. Druery has heat exhaustion and needs to be evacuated. Dust off completed 1410 hrs.
26 Mar. 69 1610
FAC (HELIX 05) put in AS in the vincinty of BS548846 and destroyed 4 structures, damaged 2 structures and started a fire. Ordinance used 4 x 500 pound bombs & 4 cans of napalm.
27 Mar. 69 1050H
Recon platoon at grid location BS535772, received small arms fire & automatic weapons fire from grid location BS543765; resulting in 1 US WHA.
Line # 35 Sp4. Frank H. Hewitt WHA wounded in the lower leg by small arms fire. Dust off completed 1035 hrs.
27 Mar. 69 1400H
Delta Company at grid location BS 534766, received automatic weapons & small arms fire from grid location BS538766, requests a DUST OFF for 1 US WHA wounded in leg. Arty was called in with results unknown. Dust off complete at 1435 hrs.
Line # 108 Pvt William H. Ridley WHA
27 Mar. 69 2330
Received report from the 198th Brigade; At 2225hrs. 25H Mar 69 B Battery 1/14 fired on a radar grid BS525767 where there were a estimated 40-50 VC. Results are 35 VC KIA (unconfirmed)
28 Mar. 69 1200
Delta Co requests a dust off for 1 US from Delta Company with heat exhaustion; Line # 88 Pfc Raul Cordero. Dust off completed at 1225 hrs. and at grid location BS530818.
28 Mar. 69 1215
Delta Company requests a dust off for 1 US from Delta Company with heat exhaustion; Dust off was completed at 1225 hrs.
Line # 136 Pfc John D. Wisham
28 Mar. 69 2110
Delta Company's 2nd platoon received 3-60mm mortar rounds from South of their ambush position at grid location BS525803 with negative casualties. The 2nd platoon then closed back on their NDP. Will fire DT's.
29 Mar. 69 1220
Received report from 2/6 & 4/6 ARVN units: On March 28, 1969 at 1500 hrs. the ARVN's made contact with a estimated company size enemy force, believed to be the 32nd NVA Company at grid location BS5576 and broke contact at 1900 hrs. Results; 37 NVA KIA (all wearing new green uniforms)
Friendly casualties; 10 KHA & 28 WHA. The ARVN's then sweep the area and found 1 anti-aircraft gun, 1 30 cal MG, 1 AK-47, 1 B-40 rocket, 16 chi com grenades, 1 large bag of documents and destroyed 2 anti-tank mines.
29 Mar. 69 1225
Bravo Company requests a dust off for medic Bravo Company with heat exhaustion at grid location BS527774. Dust off completed at 1312 hrs.
Line # 102 Pfc Roy Johnson
29 Mar. 69 2105
Charlie Company 2nd platoon at grid location BS 524769, sprung their ambush by engaging 4 VC and killing 2 VC as they were walking along a stream near the ambush site. The 2 VC had negative weapons. The 2nd platoon then closed back on their NDP.
29 Mar. 69 2330
Received a report from the 198th Brigade (source of information-Mr Genova of Mobile SIA at Quang Ngai; At March 29, 1969 at 1640 hrs. Lt Wright (from Division training center) reported a body (of unknown nationality and possibly a US person) was found in a creek leading into the Song Tra River at grid 605734 and about 1500 meters from Quang Ngai Airstrip. At 2055 the medics who went out to examine the body-reported it fitted the description of US Pfc Roy R. Tinsley MHA since March 9, 1969. The body will be in Chu Lai on March 30 for further identification.
30 Mar. 69 2110
Bravo Company's 2nd platoon sprang their ambush position and KIA 4 VC (3 male & 1 female) wearing green uniforms. Negative weapons or documents were CIA. The ambush then closed back on their NDP.
31 Mar. 69 1515
Delta Company requests a dust off for 1 US from Delta Company; Line # 101 Pfc James B. Elker with a temperture of 104 degrees. Dust off complete at 1515 hrs.
31 Mar. 69 1615
Bn Strength Report;
Alpha Company 80
Bravo Company 69
Charlie Company 87
Delta Company 83
Echo Company 64
31 Mar. 69 2300
LZ Buff line observers report 3 VC KIA by 4.2 mortar fire at grid BS527835.
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