Complete Sitreps For Every Day Of 1969 |
01 July 69 0715
Delta Company's 1st platoon at grid location BS621435 while moving on patrol found 4 x 82mm mortar rounds & 4 x 60mm mortar rounds, plus 1 RPG round. All rounds were destroyed.
01 July 69 0910
Air Force FAC (HELIX 31) conducted an air strike at grid location BS656452 and observed a large secondary explosion and a secondary fire (believed to have destroyed a ammo dump)
01 July 69 1423
Charlie Company at grid location BS649455. While moving the point element spotted 5-6 NVA w/ packs and weapons, moving North. The element engaged with small arms fire resulting in ; 2 NVA KIA CIA; Charlie Company captured 2 AK-47's w/serial #'s 12094305 & Al4548. Arty was called for mission and gunships were requested.
01 July 69 1505
Charlie Company at grid location BS653462, dust off requested for 1 US EM from Charlie Company who was wounded by a AK-47 round in his right calf, approx 5-6 inches above the ankle, while in contact with 5-6 NVA. Line # 102 Pfc. Robert Favreau WIA s/a right leg
01 July 69 1530
Charlie Company at grid location BS654453, received small arms fire and automatic weapons fire from an enemy force of unknown size. Results; 1 US EM with gun shot wound to the jaw. Line # 2 1Lt. Edgar Drake WIA gunshot face
01 July 69 1700
Delta Company at grid location BS633449, engaged 1 NVA, results; 1 NVA KIA. Negative weapons/documentation.
01 July 69 1825
Battalion Strength Report;
Alpha Company 102
Bravo Company 96
Charlie Company 74
Delta Company 80
Echo Company 71
02 July 69 0710
LRRP team extracted, after they made contact with unknown number of VC/NVA and size of enemy element at grid location BS663341. Sharks, Slicks & mortar were called in after the extraction.
02 July 69 1630
Charlie Company reported 1 US EM wounded in activity on July 1, 1969 at 1530 hrs.yesterday’s contact. Individual was gun shot in the right forearm. Richensin Said "he did not report the wound because it was minor". Richen -sin also noted" that the Company was down to 72 pairs of boots on the ground and could not afford to lose any more people".
PFC Thomas Richensin WHA s/a wound right forearm
02 July 69 1855
Bravo Company at grid location BS631440 called for a dust off for 1 US EM from Bravo Company with suspected malaria. Dust off called at 1828 hrs. and completed at 1857 hrs.
SGT John R. Cornell
02 July 69 2355
At 0813 hrs. C Co requested a dust off for 2 US EM's from Charlie Company who had a head injury & cuts from a injury falling off rocks. PFC Albert J. Eurey PFC Stuge
03 July 69 1530
Warlord Report; At grid location BS580395 6 hooches were destroyed. At grid location BS591354 3 hooches were destroyed. At BS585386 took automatic weapons fire and engaged 6 NVA. Results; 1 NVA KIA, possible 3 NVA KIA.
03 July 69 1955
Confidential message from 11th Brigade S-2: ARVN JGS passed the following alert to I Corps. According to the message, a nation wide enemy assault will begin tonight. No confirmation of source, 3 MAF evaluation B-3.
04 July 69 0515
Bunkers on the Southeast side of LZ San Juan Hill, spotted 5-10 VC/NVA moving at grid location BS647368. Element engaged VC/NVA with 4.2 mortar with unknown results.
04 July 69 1245
Air Force FAC (HELIX 31) at 1245 hrs. and at grid location BS5837. 16 hooches destroyed, 4 hooches damaged, & 5 bunkers destroyed.
04 July 69 1600
Late Entry; At 1530 hrs. Charlie Company while on patrol at grid location BS673296, found 3,409 punji sticks facing up and down a trail that was going up hill.
05 July 69 0811
Air Force strike FAC (HELIX 33) completed an air strike at grid location BS637317: Results from air strike; 2 bunkers were destroyed.
05 July 69 1230
Alpha Company's 2nd platoon at grid location BS663340, 2nd platoon sprung their ambush position resulting in ; 1 NVA KIA. Negative/weapons & ID.
06 July 69 0905
Charlie Company at grid location BS655320 engaged 7 to 9 VC/NCA with small arms fire and the enemy was evading to the North and carrying a mortar tube. Gunships on station with negative results at this time.
06 July 69 1350
Delta Company at grid location BS642317, 1st platoon spotted 3 NVA, 2 at 25 years & 1 at 19 years old with packs. They all had camouflage helmets and green uniforms, and were engaged with small arms fire, results; 3 NVA KIA, 1 NVA pack, 5 chicom grenades, CIA.
06 July 69 1555
Delta Company requests dust off for 1 US EM from Delta Company who is a heat casualty. Dust off requested at 1555 hrs. and completed at 1615 Hrs.
Line # 107 PFC George C. Mitchell
06 July 69 1830
At 1825 hrs Alpha Company requested a dust off for 2 US EM's from Alpha Company, with a centipede sting & a temperature of 105 degrees(possible malaria). Dust off called in at 1825 hrs and completed at 1839 hrs. Line # 5 2Lt. John H. Vanloan-Centipede sting Line # 115 Pfc. Juan Mitchell-temp of 105
07 July 69 1650
Alpha Company while on patrol at grid location BS658310, spotted 1 VC/NVA moving South a trail, when element engaged VC/NVA with small arms fire. Results; 1 VC/NVA KIA. CIA; 1 machete.
07 July 69 1815
Alpha Company spotted 10 to 15 VC/NVA at LZ Jeff, and they were searching the old bunkers on the Alpha Company and engaged with Arty mission. Results unknown.
08 July 69 1100
Battalion Sitrep; Alpha Company is engaged with 2 NVA at grid location BS665403.
Alpha Company reports at grid location BS667405, a secondary explosion from 4.2 mortar . Alpha Company is engaged with a unknown force size of VC/NVA at grid location BS643336.
08 July 69 2150
Bunker # 16 on LZ San Juan Hill, spotted movement and engaged with small arms fire, automatic weapons & mortar fire....Results; unknown. At 2200 hrs. bunker # 16 spotted 3 NVA/VC running away from the outer perimeter. Bunker's 1 & 2 report positive movement outside the perimeter to the North. Flare ships arrived on station at 2210 hrs. and at 2230 hrs. reported taking ground fire from the Southwest. The perimeter also reported there were several sappers spotted and moving to the West 350-400 meters outside of the San Juan Hill perimeter. There were negative incoming rounds received on LZ San Juan Hill.
09 July 69 0745
Spot Report; Bravo Company while checking perimeter at grid location BS633377, and where sappers tried to gain entrance to the perimeter, found large pools of blood and well concealed sleeping positions for 3-4 people. At grid location BS633376, found another sleeping position for about 8 people, and well concealed among the rocks.It is believed that between 8-10 sappers attempted to infiltrate the perimeter.
09 July 69 0825
Spot Report; Delta Company while on patrol at grid location BS649336, found 8 hooch and 6 tunnels. Hooches and tunnels were destroyed.
09 July 69 1300
Alpha Company's 3rd platoon while on patrol at grid location BS665402, found old base camp. with 30 old bunkers, and they are approx 1 year old.
10 July 69 0805
Alpha Company at grid location BS669403 requests a dust off for 1 US EM from Alpha Company who cut his leg with a machete blade. Dust called at 0810 hrs. and completed at 0830 hrs. Line # 70 Pfc. Richard Beiner
10 July 69 1000
At Alpha Company's NDP position and at grid location BS664402, they found 15 bunkers and were old and complet -ly grown over.
10 July 69 1805
Battalion Field Strength Report; Alpha Company 96
Bravo Company 91
Charlie Company 87
Delta Company 84
Echo Company 70
10 July 69 2215
Received severe weather warning from Brigade DO; Typhoon Tess will hit at 1100 hrs. in the Duc Pho area; maximum winds up to 70 knots and destructive winds may be expected up to 2400 hrs.
11 July 69 0525
Spot Report; At 0525 hrs. on LZ San Juan Hill, a bunker caved in and injured 3 US EM's. Dust off called in at 0530 hrs. and completed at 0625 hrs.
Line # 140 2Lt. William C. Johnson FO broken leg
Line # 141 Sp4. Albert M. Alvarado FO back injury
Line # 124 PFC Michael J. Mills back injury
11 July 69 1045
At 1040 hrs. and grid location BS653404, Alpha's lead element, spotted 6 NVA all wearing green & blue uniforms. Engaged the NVA with small arms fire and called for a Arty mission. Results are unknown and NVA evaded to the South.
11 July 69 1215
Alpha Company at grid location BS 658405, found 2 pair of NVA uniforms, 5 pairs of black pj's, 2 water jugs, 1 NVA canteen, 1 hammock, 1 memo pad, 1 G.P. strap, 1 pair of socks (US type), 1 handset (PRC25), 1 US canteen, 2 claymores, 5 cans of c-rations, 1 fishnet, documents & 7 hooches.
11 July 69 1710
Urgent dust off requested for 1 US from Bravo Company, with a possible broken back. A water blivit broke loose from Arty hill and smashed into a bunker PFC Martin was in. Dust off was completed by ship at 1725 hrs.
Line # 123 PFC Bobby J. Martin possible broken back
12 July 69 1000
Bravo Company requests a dust off for 1 US EM from Bravo Company. He slipped on a rock breaking collarbone of shoulder. Dust off completed at 1125 hrs.
Line # 17 E-5 Ocie Blalock
12 July 69 1705
Sgt Daniel B. Durbin was selected by Headquarters to be the Battalion Field Laison at Minh-Long.
13 July 69 1030
Spot Report; FAC HELIX 31 put in a A/S at grid location BS697433 and there a large secondary.
13 July 69 1330
Bravo Company requests a dust off for 1 US EM from Bravo Company for heat exhaustion. Dust off completed by C&C ship at 1350 hrs. at grid location BS611393.
Line # 89 PFC Donald R. Drake heat exhaustion
13 July 69 1545
LZ San Juan Hill received an unusual lightning bolt, which struck out all communications and set off Fugas and anti-intrusion devices around the hill. There were 3 minor casualties, but negative dust off's were required.
13 July 69 2015
Operations SGT (MSG Hall) informed S-1 of promotion board originally scheduled for the 16,17, and 18 July 69 has been changed to 15,16, and 17 July 69...from 0900-1200 daily.
14 July 69 0830
At 0830 hrs. a body was spotted by SMJ Gray outside of the perimeter on LZ San Juan Hill as he flew over the hill in a C&C ship. Found was PFC James Cole from Charlie Company with head wounds. KHA. PFC Cole was missed fom Charlie Company when he did not show for guard duty on July 13, at 1930 hrs. and he was last seen eating chow at July 13, 1830 hrs.
Line # 88 PFC James Cole KHA
14 July 69 1315
Alpha Company at grid location BS605358 requests a dust off for 1 US EM from Alpha Company with heat exhaustion. Dust off completed at 1320 hrs.
Line # 69 PFC Patrick Bowley heat exhaustion
15 July 69 1100
Battalion Sitrep Neg; location as follows;
Alpha Company -stand down Chu Lai
Bravo Company-At grid BS612355
Charlie Company-At grid BS601354
Delta Company-At LZ San Juan Hill
Recon Platoon-At grid BS601354
15 July 69 1615
Spot Report; Warlords found the following items...and destroyed. Bunker & tunnel at grid location BS606406, concrete bunker at grid location BS584417, hooch at grid location BS584406, bunker at grid location BS577411, hooch and tunnel at grid location BS575415, bunker and trench at BS576416. Mosquito net for one man at grid location BS586414. At grid BS576416 a rocket was found with no warhead on it, which the Warlords used 60 rounds on.
16 July 69 2200
Bravo Company on NPD at grid location BS621361, spotted movement 75 meters from their position, and 81mm mortars were fired to their front. Results; unknown.
16 July 69 0001/2400
There were negative significant events of military importance in the AO today.
17 July 69 1015
Charlie Company's 3rd platoon at grid location BS592376, received small arms fire, w/negative casualties or damage. FAC (Helix 33) putting A/S in at time and at that grid.
17 July 69 1220
Bravo Company's 2nd platoon at grid location BS620356, found the following; several spider holes and one well built bunker, all at least 7 days old;found one shallow grave with bones that were exposed-approx 10 days old.
17 July 69 1330
Charlie Company at grid location BS596377, while searching the area of A/S by FAC (Helix 33) who found a large ccamouflaged hooch and a camouflaged bunker with overhead cover. Destroyed by Charlie Company.
18 July 69 0215
Message from Brigade; called to say scheduled sky spot in 4/3 Infantry FCA was cancelled due to inclement weather and visibility.
18 July 69 1345
Alpha Company at LZ San Juan Hill requests a priority dust off for 1 US EM from Alpha Company for malaria. Dust off chopper completed a 1355 hrs.
Line # 117 PFC Steven M. Newton malaria
18 July 69 1530
Echo Company at grid location BS588587 requested a dust off For 1 US EM from Echo Company with a 105 degree temperature. Dust off completed at 1540 hrs.
Line # 89 PFC Dale M. Szarka 105 degree temperature.
19 July 69 0800
Battalion Sitrep; location as follows;
Alpha Company LZ San Juan Hill
Bravo Company stand dwn Chu Lai
Charlie Company CA in progress
Delta Company CA in progress
Recon Platoon CA in progress
19 July 69 1800
Battalion Strength Report;
Alpha Company 95
Bravo Company stand down
Charlie Company 91
Delta Company 85
Recon Platoon 20
20 July 69 1115
Recon platoon at grid location BS687454, found a camouflaged tube, 3 foot long w/camouflaged parachute attached. Identifying markings: sn C00264-18, made by Atlas Chemical Inc. The tube is equipped with a radio transmitter and has a antenna. It is believed to be a sensing device and will be brought to LZ San Juan for further investigation.
21 July 69 1200
Alpha Company at grid location BS688461 found 8 bunkers 10 x 10 foot and each was made of dirt and they were able to sleep 5-6 men.
21 July 69 1555
Warlords Report; findings are: at grid location BS648346, found 10 camouflaged hooches-6 hooches and tunnels were destroyed. At grid location BS559420, spotted 3 NVA in uniform, 20 packs, 7-9 bags of rice each 300 lbs. 3 possible NVA KIA's.
22 July 69 1150
Alpha Company at grid location BS689458, found a base camp containing; 10 bunkers, numerous trails, bowls of food, 5 mortar fuses of unknown type, 3 57mm recoilless rifle rounds, 3 ammo pouches, 3 NVA pouches, 2 NVA photos, all of which were destroyed, 3 bayonets (AK-44) 1 gas mask-complete, 2 shovels NVA type, 2 banners (propaganda) both were sent to San Juan Hill; 3 mosquito nets, 1 entrenching tool, 2 pair of gloves, NVA shirts & pants, 4 US Navy ponchos, 1 ration container, 1 pair of green NVA pants, 1 scarf, 5 pairs of socks, 1 pair of HCM sandals, 1 NVA type belt, 1 bottle of ink, 1 AK-47 magazine and 1 can of oil.
22 July 69 2100
Bn Sitrep; Alpha Company reports movement along the trail from the North toward the NDP. Movement is fast w/ a flashlight in lead. Engaging with 81mm mortars.
Alpha Company has direct Arty and fired 81mm mortars on enemy, which then moved to the East with much noise.
23 July 69 0700
Alpha Company at grid location BS689458, requests a urgent dust off for 1 US EM from Alpha Company for stomach cramps & convulsions. Called for dust off at 0620 hrs. and completed at 0700 hrs.
Line # 10 Sgt Arthur R. Ariaga stomach cramps & convulsions
23 July 69 0930
Request called to Brigade for a D-5 bulldozer on a defoliation mission, and the return of Sgt Navertz to LZ San Juan Hill for more engineering work.
23 July 69 1645
Delta Company requests a dust off for 1 US EM from Delta Company with a temperature of 103 degrees. Dust off completed at 1645 hrs.
Line # 77 PFC John E. Delapp 103 degree fever
23 July 69 0340
Bravo Company on LZ San Juan Hill spotted 2 VC 25 meters outside the bunker. Engaged the VC with 81mm mortars. Results; 2 VC KIA.
24 July 69 0630
Recon Platoon requests a dust off for 1 US EM from Recon Platoon with frag wounds in right shoulder and right thigh from grenade. Friendly accident. WHA by grenade frag. Line # 20 Sgt William F. Long WHA frag wounds
24 July 69 1255
Spot Report; Bravo Company's 1st platoon at grid location BS651384, found a fresh cut trail with brush stacked neatly on each side of the trail; 2nd platoon at grid location BS652388, found one NVA first aid packet enclosed in a sterile plastic pack.
24 July 69 1430
Spot Report; Delta Company spotted red smoke in grid square BS6844. A check with Brigade indicated that no friendly elements are working in that area.
24 July 69 1600
Spot Report; Delta Company spotted 6 NVA at grid location BS693423, were walking East down a highway in the valley. Arty mission was called in with 2 KIA and 2 WIA who were carried off.
24 July 69 2340
Spot Report; LZ San Juan Hill radar spotted 8 VC moving at grid location BS630381 at a range of 635 meters. Engaged with 81mm mortar with unknown results.
25 July 69 0125
Spot Report; Radar installation on LZ San Juan Hill detected 4 VC moving at grid location BS631382, at a range of 500 meters. Engaged with 81mm with unknown results.
25 July 69 1355
Spot Report; Warlords at the grid location BS636440, reports spotting 1 VC w/weapon, and they are going to attempt a 2 foot snatch.
Warlords report finding the following; at the grid location BS643433, numerous bunkers and hooches being built on the hillside, also 15-20 NVA with green uniforms. Engaged with negative results, due to the canopy. Trails are leading to grid location BS643433; At grid location BS639440 a bunker complex is being built. FAC (Helix 03) will put in a air strike.
Warlords at grid location BS645431 spotted 3-5 NVA carrying packs & weapons. At grid location BS643432, blood trails were seen by the spotter chopper.
BDA (Helix 03) A/S at grid location BS643433, opened 2 bunkers and got 3 secondary explosions.
25 July 69 2050
Alpha Company at grid location BS781402, fired on the movement to the South when the trip flare went off. LP was brought in, 81mm, claymores, small arms, M-79, and Arty was put on it and the movement ceased. A routine dust off was requested for 1 US EM from Alpha Company. Dust off was changed to priority but bird still would not come out until morning. No incoming rounds received.
26 July 69 0828
Late Report; Alpha Company at grid location BS718402 requests a dust off for 1 US EM from Alpha Company with shrapnel wound in neck from night before. Dust off completed at 0635 hrs.
PFC Michael T. Shields WHA frag wound in neck.
26 July 69 0910
Bravo Company at grid location BS664384, requested a dust off for 1 US EM from Bravo Company with infected sore on foot. Dust off completed at 0925 hrs.
Line # 90 PFC Mark L. Bender infected foot.
26 July 69 1010
Delta Company at grid location BS716397, called for a dust off for 1 US EM from Delta Company with heat exhaustion. Dust off was completed at 1010 hrs.
Line # 39 Sp/4 Alan O. Parker heat exhaustion
26 July 69 1035
Warlords report spotting the following; at grid location BS715382 were 2 metal containers (1 was brass) 3' x1' with 8 sides. At grid location BS712383, 1 brass container laying in area. T grid BS712383 were several tunnels and camouflaged bunkers. At grid BS715385 were camouflaged bunkers. At BS710382 were a trail with 10 fighting positions. At BS715378 1VC KIA wearing black PJ's and w/a secondary explosion. At grid BS712372 they found 3 tunnel entrances and numerous trails. At grid BS712368 they found 3 fighting positions along the trails, w/4'x4' bunkers. At grid BS706379 they found camouflaged bunkers and 40 fighting positions. At grid BS702379 small camouflaged hooches which were all destroyed.
27 July 69 0920
Bravo Company's 1st platoon at grid location BS677387, found a old base camp not used within 6 weeks. Trails leading into the base camp were used recently. They also found several fox holes & 1 straw basket.
27 July 69 1110
Warlords reported finding well-used trails and numerous auto weapons in positions with a mortar tube at grid location BS724419. Warlords spotted 2 dead VC.
27 July 69 1120
Alpha Company's 1st platoon at grid location BS722378, spotted 2 VC, one with a AK-47 rifle, one had a bush hat and both wore gray shirts. Arty mission was called.
27 July 69 1250
Alpha Company's 1st & 3rd platoons at grid location BS724385, spotted 4 NVA with weapons and packs. Hidden trenches were found. Arty was called in. Results unknown.
27 July 69 1440
Spot Report; Alpha Company at grid location BS725384, found evidence of an assembly area or a defensive size position for a company unit. Also found old bunkers and fighting positions and well-used trail leading into the area. Fresh footprints indicate that the site was used recently.
27 July 69 1907
Alpha Company requests a dust off for 1 US EM from Alpha Company with a 105 degree temperature. Dust off completed at 1907 hrs.
Line # 68 PFC James Bostic
28 July 69 0945
Bravo Company's 1st platoon at grid location BS688389, reports finding the following; 2 3'x4' bunkers that are made with wood logs, 1 NVA first aid kit dressing and on trails not recently used. The camp fires were 3 days old and the stream was not on the map.
28 July 69 1000
Bravo Company at grid location BS695386, received 2 unknown type mortar rounds. Results 2 US WHA, 1 US KHA. Dust off called at 1000 hrs. and completed at 1015 hrs.
Line # 94 Pfc. Jerry Brewer-WHA head wounds Line # 106 Pfc. Andrew K. Foots-WHA head wounds Line # 89 Pfc. Roy Bawn-KHA
28 July 69 1210
Alpha Company at grid location BS728377, found an OP(observation post) used by the VC/NVA with good observation of LZ Liz and the surrounding area. They found a pineapple grenade ....which was destroyed.
28 July 69 1220
Late Report; at 1150 hrs. Delta Company at grid location BS745411, found a trail 1 foot wide and 242 feet long, fresh tracks, a hole that could have been a grave, eggs cooked with in the last 6 to 10 hours, & 3 dud 81mm mortar rounds.
28 July 69 1315
Alpha Company spotted 7 NVA/VC at grid location BS772373. Arty fired with unknown results.
Alpha Company reports a result of Arty mission at grid location BS772373....Area checked and 1 NVA KIA.
28 July 69 1500
Late Report; Delta Company at grid location BS745411 has 1 US EM from Delta Company with a temperature of 103 degrees. Requested dust off at 1330 hrs. and completed at 1345 hrs.
Line # 144 PFC Gary Randall 103 degree fever
28 July 69 1815
Warlords at grid location BS729418, spotted 2 dead NVA and NVA equipment. Also 8-10 mortar rounds 1 AK-47 rifle.
29 July 69 0520
Charlie Company on LZ San Juan Hill had 2 trip flares go off, in front of bunker # 2. Hand grenades and small arms fire opened up and 81mm mortars fired close in, DT's for bunker # 2...all with unknown results.
29 July 69 1130
Alpha Company requests dust off at grid location BS728377 for 1 US EM from Alpha Company with a piece of shrapnel in left forearm. Dust off completed by C & C ship at 1140 hrs. 1 US WHA. Line # 73 PFC William Cherry WHA frag / left forearm
29 July 69 2215
Charlie Company's 3rd platoon spotted 1NVA in the ravine by the dump and is about 150 meters outside the wire. Engaged NVA with 81mm mortars, M-79 & hand grenades were put on him. Observed with starlight scope. Negative results.
30 July 69 1130
Warlords Report; finding the following; At grid BS728413; a small tunnel complex, at grid BS705435; a tunnel entrance, at grid BS695428; a USA potable water tank, at grid BS652405; 2 bunkers, at grid BS672415; distributed camouflaged hooches, and at grid BS703404; 1 bunker.
30 July 69 1530
Charlie Company found the following; at grid location BS638341, they found a base camp with 4 bunkers, at grid location BS641338; another base camp with 3 stone bunkers, a trail between grids BS644337 & BS641338. At grid location BS638340; 3 bunkers, 1 fresh AK-47 round. Between grids BS640341 & BS 639339 had well tended rice patties w/ fresh foot prints, at grid BS644344 had pieces of black pj's.
30 July 69 1700
BDA Report; (Helix 39) at grid location BS648440, uncovered 7 to 10 bunkers or tunnels. 1 was completely destroyed and received 1 secondary explosion.
31 July 69 0900
Bravo Company at grid location BS644428. The 3rd platoon found a small trail w/fresh footprints and an animal trap. 1st platoon at grid location BD635431 found 2 fox holes that were possibly used as a LP, 1-2 weeks old.
31 July 69 1045
Late Report; DTG 291610H Warlords at grid location BS638339, engaged 1 VC evading. Results; 1 VC KIA, at grid location BS638344 they spotted 1 VC KBA.
31 July 69 1715
Spot Report; Bravo Company at grid location BS641430 spotted 5 VC/NVA and engaged with M-60 & 81mm mortar & Arty. Results; 1 VC/NVA KIA from M-60 machine gun.
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