01 Feb. 69 0050H
Delta Company LP at grid BS703830, spotted 4 VC setting up a mortar tube at grid location BS703831 and to their direct front. The LP returned to the perimeter and Delta Company engaged target with 81 mm mortar;Results unknown at this time.
01 Feb.69 1045H
Charlie Company's 1st platoon at grid location BS749830. Captured 1 NVA with a M-1 Carbine w/sn#539116. NVA says he wants to Chieu Hoi.
01 Feb. 69 1315H
Charlie Company's 1st platoon detained 23 VC's (18-Male & 5-Female) Plus 2 VC KIA. Also found misc. medical supplies, 1 gas mask, 8 chicom grenades, misc. documents & rice at grid location BS 749830.
01 Feb. 69 1400H
Charlie Company's 1st platoon KIA 1 VC evading at grid location BS750833. VC was 21 years old and was wearing a light blue uniform w/negative ID.
01 Feb. 69 1750H
Strength report: Co. A-116 Co. B-103 Co. C-122 Co. D-100 Co. E-66
01 Feb. 69 Summary
Results of the days ops were:1 NVA w/weapon KIA, 3 VC KIA, 1 VC CIA, 25 VCS detained, Misc. grenades and medical supplies.
02 Feb. 69 1135
Charlie Company's 2nd platoon at grid location BS751832, found 1-M-72 LAW, that was hidden in a bamboo thicket And was completely intact. It is estimated that it has not been there for more than 2 weeks.
02 Feb. 69 1335
Charlie Company's 2nd platoon at grid location BS745832, found 1 VC KIA killed by small arms fire and was hastily buried in a woodpile. VC was wearing a light blue uniform and was 22 years of age w/ negative ID. VC has been dead for about 12 hours. Also found 1 60 mm mortar round and will blow in place.
02 Feb. 69 1630H
2/5 ARVN's at grid location BS766818 captured 3 VC in a tunnel. All VC ages were 23 to27. VC were wearing black pj's and had negative ID's. Also found 5- M-72 LAWS , and will blow in place.
03 Feb. 69 1205H
Charlie Company's 2nd platoon at grid location BS737865, detained 5 VC's 4-female & 1-male, with approx age of 15 years old. Negative ID's, weapons & documents. Also found at the same location in a tunnel; rice bags (for carrying food) 2 hammocks, and misc medical supplies. Will blow up tunnel.
03 Feb. 69 1540
Charlie Company's 2nd platoon at grid location BS730875, engaged 1 VC that was evading. Results; 1 VC KIA with Negative ID & weapons.
04 Feb.69 0115
Sp/4 Arvin Randolph, from Delta Company, went to the Bn Aid Station for treatment of superficial fragment wound in the lower left leg. Before treatment was completed by Bn Surgeon , Sp/4 Randolph left the aid station in care of PFC Hedberg to be evacuated to the 312 Evac Hospital Chu Lai. Result of friendly grenade on bunker line.
04 Feb. 69 1520H
Charlie Company's 3rd platoon at grid location BS715880. KIA 1 VC evading the element. VC was 28 years old w/ negative ID, weapons & documents.
04 Feb. 69 1555H
Charlie Company's 2nd & 3rd platoon at grid location BS732844, received small arms fire resulting in ; 2 US WIA. Charlie Company was fired upon by 15 NVA dressed in green uniforms and armed with 30 caliber MG, M-60, Ak-47, and SKS 44's.
WIA Line # 125 Marietta, Robert P. PFC. wounded in shoulder
KIA Line # 104 Gildow, Thomas J. PFC. wounded in neck / DOA
04 Feb. 69 1945H
Received call from LTC. Ambrose 198th s/3. We revert back to 4/3 control and move to LZ Buff 08 Feb. 69.
04 Feb. 69 2150H
Dust off requested at 2115 hrs. for 1 EM from 5/46 Infantry with possible heart attack. Dust off completed at 2150 hrs.
05 Feb 69 1130H
At 0500 hrs. PRU Team engaged with 1 VC, who attempted to throw a grenade at them. RESULTS; 1 VC KIA at grid location BS713823.
05 Feb. 69 1545H
Charlie Company's 1st platoon spotted 1 VC at grid location BS743839 observed APC's. VC ran into tunnel and 1st platoon threw grenades in tunnel. Results; 1 VC KIA. aged 23 dressed in a blue uniform w/ negative ID's, weapons & documents.
05 Feb. 69 1545H
Charlie Company reports all APC’s hooked out of mud.
06 Feb. 69 1305H
Delta Company, 1st platoon at grid location BS681846, found 600 lbs of rice that was hidden in metal containers in hedgerow. Delta Company destroyed rice.
06 Feb. 69 1310H
Delta Company 3rd platoon requests Dust off for 1 US wounded by own 45 cal. Pistol while searching tunnel. At grid location BS676844.
Line # 21 Ronald L. Maruska wounded in thigh of right leg.
06 Feb. 69 1310H
Alpha Company requests Dust off for 1 US who dropped claymore blasting cap on foot. Line # 119 Donald L Payne wound to foot.
06 Feb. 69 1405
Charlie Company at grid location BS728805, observed 1 VC evading and engaged with small arms fire. Results; 1 VC KIA w/no weapons & w/no ID. VC was wearing black pj's. Also they apprehended 3 VCS, ages 15, 20, and 37. Negative/ weapons & ID's and all wearing black pj's. VC were carrying medical supplies, bandages , rice & ponchos.
06 Feb. 69 1505
Charlie Company's 1st platoon hailed 1 Sampan w/2 persons. Charlie Company received and returned fire. Later determined persons were ARVN.
07 Feb. 69 1105H
Alpha Company's 2nd platoon at grid location BS682799, spotted 4 VCS in tree line and were evading. Unable to determine if they had weapons due to the distance. 2nd platoon engaged with small arms fire; results unknown. Mortars being employed at this time.
07 Feb. 69 1445H
Alpha Company's 2nd platoon reported that the 3 VN women & baby were evading West to East at grid location BS 684799 and wearing black pj's. One had a ID and the others didn't. Ages were 19, 35 and 1 under 5. Negative weapons.
07 Feb. 69 1630H
Battalion strength report: Co. A-112 Co. B-106 Co. C-118 Co. D-100 Co. E-76 Attached APC persons are 57.
08 Feb.69 1300H
Journal closed on LZ South & opened on LZ Buff.
08 Feb.69 1545H
Delta Company at grid location BS678809, spotted 10-12 VCS that were heading SouthWest towards the wood line and spotted 15-20 VCS at grid location BS694846, Arty is being called in at this time.
09 Feb.69 0730H
Late Entry: At 2300 hrs. 8 Feb 69, Bravo Company on LZ Buff, KIA 2 VC attempting to penetrate the perimeter wire; CIA 1 9 mm pistol.
09 Feb.69 0820H
Ref item # 9; Sn# 658 on 9 mm pistol. CIA; 3 chicoms grenades, 1 NVA pistol belt, 1 first aid packet, and VC were wearing black shorts.
09 Feb. 69 0835H
Alpha Company's request for DUST OFF of 4 US WHA that are the result of a grenade that accidentally blew off by Alpha Company's of sector of FSB South.
WIA's Line # 14 Layman Ditsen R. Sgt Line # 39 Carl A. Godsey Sp/4 Line # 143 John A. Wiedman PFC Line # 150 David J. Evans PFC
Layman is serious and all others are priority.
09 Feb.69 1015H
Ref item # 13; Follow up investigation by Cpt Maxham (Alpha Company CO) It was a booby trapped grenade and it was outside of the perimeter and was there for a while. Crater size: 1 1/2 feet deep.
09 Feb. 69 1845H Alpha Company, 2nd platoon received AW fire at 1847 hrs. at grid location BS 523822 (20-30 mortar rounds) request DUST OFF at BS523822 for 1 US WHA by SA fire.
WHA Line # 84 Edwin Braun PFC wound in right leg. Dust off completed at 1905 hrs.
10 Feb. 69 Summary 4/3 continues operations in the Buff AO with Alpha and Delta companies conducting sweep and search ops. Charlie Company is used as a quick reaction force at CHIC. And Bravo Company secures Buff.
10 Feb.69 1508H
Late Entry; Ref item # 13 09 Feb 69 (Daily Staff Journal) Sgt Ditsan from Alpha Company; DOW at 1300 hrs. 09 Feb 69 from multiple fragment wounds received from booby trap grenade that was placed outside of LZ South's perimeter.
Line # 14 Layman Ditsen R. Sgt
11 Feb. 69 0910H
Alpha Company received 10 to 20 rounds of AK-47 fire. 2nd & 3rd platoons are moving toward the sniper's position. Alpha Company request DUST OFF from 1 US WHA by SA fire at BS500832. Dust off completed at 0928 hrs.
WIA Line # 125 Rufus Roundtree. PFC wound in right arm
11 Feb. 69 1220H Report from Brigade: Regimental size element within 750 meters of BS509749.
11 Feb. 69 1500H
At 1425 hrs. a dust off was requested from Alpha Company at grid location BS 486848 for 7 US WHA & 1 KHA from multiple fragment wounds, when the 2nd platoon hit a booby trap mine-of unknown size. 2nd platoon was taking a break on a small 30 degree hill. (old c-ration cans were littered on the hill)
Line # 25 Sp/4 Marcaria Banda-KHA Line # 45 Sp/4 Michael Hill-WHA leg wounds Line # 47 Sp/4 Victor Jaca Jaca-WHA leg wounds Line # 73 Pfc Gilbert Aguilar-WHA front of body Line #145 Pfc Lawrence Williams-WHA leg & arm Line # 70 Sp/4 Willie Weatherly-WHA leg & arm wounds Line #113 Pfc David Marino-WHA leg, arm, & stomach Line #105 Pfc Larry Hatchcock-WHA chest wounds
11 Feb.69 1850H
At 1850 hrs. Bravo Company spotted 2 to 4 VCS in rice paddy and was moving toward LZ Buff at grid location BS545829. Putting 81 mm mortar in area at this time. The VCS were to far away to determine if they had weapons.
12 Feb.69 1115H
At 1055hrs. at grid location BS553832. Recon platoon observed 4 VC evading and engaged with small arms fire; resulting in 3 VC KIA & 1 WIA CIA. All VC were approx 20 years old..Negative/weapons and ID. A dust off was requested from Chu Lai for the wounded WIA-complete at 1113 hrs.
12 Feb.69 1130H
Bravo Company on LZ Buff found, during a sweep along side the perimeter wire were the following;5-60mm rounds, 4-81 mm rounds, 2- M-79 rounds, 1 M/6A1 mine, 2 beer can grenades, and 2 chicom grenades.
12 Feb.69 1730H
Bn strength report;
Alpha Co-98
Bravo Co-109
Charlie Co-119
Delta Co-100
Echo Co-83
13 Feb. 69 Spot report At 0001H 4/3 became OPCON 198th Inf.
13 Feb. 69 Intelligence 1. Enemy situation: The local enemy forces have enjoyed relative freedom of movement except for infrequent friendly operations by ARVN and Americal elements, the most recent being Russell Beach (13 Jan. 69 to 08 Feb. 69).
The area is VC dominated and their control was uncontested by GVN until operation Russell Beach. Everyone should be considered as either a VC or VC sympathizer and all men of military age (MAM) must be considered as members of VC forces in the area. The AO is the principle operating area of the 48th VC Light Force Battalion and has been their base camp area for the past 2 years. The Battalion has approx. 200 VC. The battalion is normally deployed by company.
D. Tactics: The enemy throughout the area can be expected to attack engaging small allied forces, bring sniper fire on helicopters and employ mines and surprise firing devices in great numbers to harass friendly units. When large allied units have gone into the VC AO, the VC and local Guerrillas have gone into hiding in tunnels and caves or mingle with local population. They do not oppose allied troops except by mining, ambushes, sniper fire and occasional mortars. Small patrols are subject to ambushes. If the enemy is surprised, experience has indicated that his initial confusion and disorientation can result in large numbers of KIA’s and POW’s. However , he will recover quickly and resort to his evasion tactics. 3. Conclusion:
C. S/2 comment; It is felt that if trapped the enemy would defend to the last man .
13 Feb.69 1115H
At 1025 hrs. Alpha Company's 1st platoon, at grid location BS510832 received 2 or 3 rounds over their heads w/negative casualties. 1st platoon moved into the area and apprehended 1 VCS female with a approx age of 55. Estimate that the sniper came from the South.
13 Feb.69 2210H
Charlie Company reports that 20 PRU's showed up at the CHIC, and that they can not get any more-They have negative US advisors, and they say they can't go out on any operations because it has not been cleared with their higher up.
14 Feb.69 1030H
Alpha Company at grid location BS712821, engaged 5 VC MAM's evading with results; 3 VC KIA killed by small arms fire, 1 VC WIA CIA and 1 escaped. Negative ID's/ weapons/ documents.
14 Feb.69 1100H
Bravo Company's 1st platoon at grid location BS683798, has 60 detainees and medical supplies. 2nd platoon at grid BS685792 has 3 VC KIA MAM's w/negative weapons. KIA's were evading, and 2 VC WIA-not serious, and will dust off at a later time . Plus 70 detainees including 10 MAM's with ID's. 3rd platoon, at grid BS 695799 has 260 detainees, 20 MAM's and MAF's, plus 2 MAM's believe to be from the 38th VC BN. Also engaged 11 VC evading with small arms fire ; results are 11 VC KIA ...Negative/weapons/ID /and Documents.
14 Feb.69 1500H
Bravo Company's 3rd platoon has 3 VC KIA evading and 1 VC KIA in tunnel and 6 VCS apprehended in the tunnel at grid BS701808.
14 Feb. 69 Summary 4/3 continues to conduct sweep and search operations in the Buff AO. Co. Alpha and Bravo vic. BS700800 Charlie Company at CHIC Co. Delta securing Buff Results of the days operations: 25 VC KIA, 7 VC WIA/CIA, 19 VC CIA, 26 VCS, 635 detainees, 1 US WHA.
15 Feb.69 1025H
Bravo Company's 1st platoon at grid location BS701801 2 KIA's VC in a hooch. They evaded into the hooch and refused to come out. Bravo Company fired M-79 rounds into hooch, causing a fire destroying hooch.
15 Feb. 1445H
Recon platoon at grid location BS715791 KIA 1 VC male. age 25, and wearing black pj;s, and evading to the East. Negative/ID/weapons/documents.
15 Feb.69 1715H Bn Strength Report
Alpha Company -99
Bravo Company-104
Charlie Company-125
Delta Company-100
Echo Company-78
16 Feb.69 0725H
Bravo Company at grid location BS697796 reports 1 VC KIA , The VC was 30 years old, and was wearing black pj's with Negative/ID/weapons/documents. The VC was found 100 meters from their perimeter and had been killed by H&I fire.
16 Feb.69 1000H
Bravo Company at grid location BS 688785, requests dust off for a man suffering from heat exhaustion.
Line # 133 Pfc Skillman, Robert L. dust off completed at 1010 hrs.
16 Feb.69 1010H
Bravo Company at grid location BS685783, engaged 3 VC who were evading; Results are 1 VC KIA, and the other ones escaped. The VC KIA was approx 30 years old, and was wearing a green uniform. Negative/ID/weapons/documents.
16 Feb. 69 1015H received top priority message from 198th Inf. , subject: Instructions for cessation of offensive operations. 1. Cessation will be in effect from 16 Feb. 69 at 1800H to 17 Feb. 69 at 1800H. General rules: US forces will not initiate any air/ground offensive.
16 Feb. 1310H
Bravo Company at grid location BS688786, requests a dust off, for a man suffering from heat exhaustion. Line # 141 Pfc Herbert Williams heat exhaustion
16 Feb. 69 2010H
Message from 11th LIB: 4/3 be prepared for release from 198th OPCON to OPCON 11th LIB for deployment south of river vic. BS5274. 4/3 will leave 1 company at CHIC.
16 Feb. 69 2102H
Delta Company requests DUST OFF for 1 US with blown eardrum. Line # 139 Pfc Kenneth H. Walker
16 Feb. 69 2120H
Delta Company sprung ambush with 4 claymores, had secondary explosions. Closed LZ Buff.
17 Feb.69 1745H
Bn Strength Report
Alpha Company-100
Bravo Company-99
Charlie Company-120
Delta Company-104
Echo Company-86
17 Feb.69 1800H
Notified 198th Brigade that 4/3 Infantry is assuming normal operations.
18 Feb. 69 1025H
C & C received AW fire from grid location BS703805 and took 9-12 hits. 1 EM US WHA; Bravo Company.
Line # 26 Sp/4 Brittingham, Bruce A.
EM was dusted off by C & C to Chu Lai.
18 Feb.69 1105H
Bravo Company's 1st platoon at grid location BS687785. 3 KIA VC males trying to evade, all were wearing black pj's. Negative/ID/weapons/documents.
18 Feb.69 1120H
Air Force FAC (HELIX 05) conducted an assault on grid location BS705805. Results: 14 hooches destroyed, 3 hooches damaged, 1 bunker destroyed, 2 secondary explosions, and 3 secondary fires.
18 Feb.69 1215H
Bravo Company 81 mm mortar at grid location BS695789. 1 KIA male evading Southwest. Neg/ID/wpns/Documents
18 Feb. 69 Spot Report
Alpha Company relieve Charlie Company 20 Feb. 69. Assume responsibility security CHIC. Delta Company secure Buff. Heavy mortar platoon on Buff.
19Feb.69 1020H
Alpha Company's 3rd platoon at grid location BS719850. 1 KIA VC evading to the South. Viet Cong was 25-30 years old and was wearing black pj's & OD shirt. Negative/ID /wpns.
19 Feb69. 1145H
Delta Company's 2nd & 3rd platoons, were at the grid locate -ion BS530828, element found and destroyed approximately 600 pounds of rice.
19 Feb.69 1355H
Bravo Company at grid location BS672789, requests a dust off, for 1 EM suffering from heat exhaustion. Dust off completed at 1400 hrs.
Line # 119 Pfc Lockaby, Merele C
19 Feb.69 1405H
Alpha Company's 1st & 2nd platoons, received heavy AW fire from 3-4 positions from village at grid location BS726877. Negative casualties, and Arty called for fire mission w/unknown results.
20 Feb. 69 1230H
Alpha Company moves to CHIC Bravo Company moves to BS524821—vic LZ Buff Charlie Company moves to BS525822—vic LZ Buff Bravo Company closed LZ Buff.
20 Feb.69 1400H
Bravo Company at grid location BS524821, requests dust off for 1 EM who accidentally shot himself in the right leg with a .45 cal pistol. C & C dusted him off to LZ Buff, Completed at 1410 hrs.
Line # 102 Pfc Followay, Joseph L. wound to right leg
20 Feb. 69 2140H
Recon platoon received incoming grenade at grid location BS525813. Result is 2 US
Line # 51 Sp/4 Samuel L. Wadle-frag wounds in legs Not Evc Line # 13 Sgt Harold Sullivan - frag head & chest KHA DOA.
20 Feb. 69 Summary
Results of the days ops were:1 US WHA, 1 USKHA, 1 US non-hostile wound.
21 Feb. 69 1600H Delta Company request DUST OFF at BS554795 for 1 US KHA, 2 US WHA from Booby trap. Delta Company hit a booby trap with these results;
KHA Line # 111 PFC Christopher Meagher
WHA Line # 73 PFC Ronnie Bailey Line # 99 PFC James Holyfield
21 Feb.69 2300H
Alpha Company at the CHIC received AW & semi AW fire and incoming grenades 3/4 of the way around their peri -meter, received heavy fire from the NorthEast. Negative casualties: firings ceased at 2315 hrs.
Flareships requested and gunships on standby. All Company's are on alert & Charlie Company is on standby.
21 Feb. 69 Summary Results of the days operation were: 3 VC KIA, 2 VC WIA/CIA, 1 VC CIA, 4 VCS apprehended, 2 US WHA, 1 US KHA
22 Feb.69 0945H
Bravo Company captured 3 NVA with green uniforms; Negative weapons. While checking a tunnel in the area, they found NVA equipment; poncho, pistol belt,knives, packs, and other misc equipment.
22 Feb.69 1030H
At 1005 hrs Recon platoon found 1 AK-47 w/serial # 4077, also found 1 complete NVA pack, documents, pictures, and eating utensils.
22 Feb. 69 1110H
SRRP, Larry Davidson Dusted off w/frag wounds vic. Recon platoon.
PFC Larry Davidson -frag wounds right lower leg
22 Feb. 69 1450H
H Trp. 17th Cav at grid location BS480785. Had their lead APC hit by a anti tank mine; resulting in 6 US WHA, 3 dusted off at 1500 hrs. & 3 picked up by C & C ship and taken to LZ Buff. Mine was determined to be a 40 lb charge or a 105 mm round. 3APC's from the 17th Cav going to grid location BS480785 to aid the disabled APC. 2 US from the 17th Cav were dusted off by Chu Lai dust off & 1 US from Recon;
Line # 49 Sp/4 Charles Thomas wounds back & neck Line # 76 PFC James Pope leg pulled Line # 81 PFC Ervin Sharper twisted knee Line # 60 Joel Cultice dislocated shoulder
22 Feb. 69 Summary
Results of the days operations were: 6 VC KIA, 4 VCS, 6 VC CIA, 5 NVA KIA, 1 Chieu Hoi, 9 US WHA, 1 AK-47 CIA
23 Feb. 69 0145H
LZ Buff received 6-8 mortar rounds, chicom grenades, AK-47 fire and 2 RPG's. 5 US WHA and 1 US missing, all were from bunkers # 6 & 7 on the west side of the perimeter. Dust off called 0200 hrs. & completed at 0255 hrs. Resulting in 5 US WHA, 1 US MHA.
WHA Line # 101 PFC David Irwin Line # 40 Sp/4 Duane Downing Line # 145 PVT Bruce Flaherty Line # 122 PFC Leroy Shatava Line # 47 Sp/4 Michael Hess
Line # 117 PFC Missing Richard Ritzler KHA
23 Feb.69 0305H
Delta Company reports finding 1 VC inside the wire in the vincinty of bunker # 7. KIA was wearing shorts only and camouflaging. The VC had a chicom grenade and a AK-50 on him.
Delta Company requests DUST OFF for 1 US WHA by grenade at bunker # 7 .
WHA Line # 20 Sgt David Lutz
Dust off called 0312 hrs. & completed 0345 hrs.
23 Feb. 69 0345H
Delta Company reports finding missing US. Indiv. KHA, body Booby trapped. PFC Richard Ritzler Delta Company reported finding US missing EM. s was KHA by AK-47 fire and was found by the perimeter wire with a chicom under his left leg.
23 Feb.69 0400H
Delta Company reported 1 VC KIA found inside the wire in the vincinty of bunker # 7 and was wearing shorts only and camouflaging: on him were 10-20 chicom grenades and Bangalor torpedoes were found near him; also a NVA flag.
Results of the days ops: 6 US WHA, 1 US KHA, 2 VC KIA.
24 Feb. 69 1000H
SRRP request DUST OFF at grid location BS529848. Had 1 US receive a frag wound in the back from a explosion in a bunker, in which he threw a grenade. Dusted off by a utility ship at 1023 hrs.
Line # 126 PFC Berry Spring
24 Feb. 1635H
Bravo Company requested a dust off for 1 US who cut his foot on the barbed wire. Dust off completed at 1610 hrs.
Sp/4 Lorin Lane
24 Feb 69 2035H
LZ Buff came under attack with Grenades and SA fire resulting in 7 US WHA, 1 US MHA.
WHA Line # 83 PFC Hermon Cortez muti frag wounds
Line # 155 Garcia muti frag wounds
Line # 119 PFC Edward Ruditys muti frag wounds Line # 58 Sp/4 Martin Naquin wound right hand When Dust off arrived another attack resulted in 3 US WHA. Line # 4 Capt. Charles Fields wound in left leg Hq Co Line # 22 Sgt Gerry Rogers wound in left calf Charlie Co Line # 87 PFC Coy R. Tinsley wound in cheek Echo Co Line # 68 Sp/4 Allen M. Royston Missing Delta Co
25 Feb.69 0025H
(ref item # 32 daily Staff Journal 24 Feb 69) Delta Company Line # 119 Ruditys, Edward. Died of wounds.
25 Feb.69 1735H
Charlie Company at grid location BS569775, spotted 2 VC evading and engaged with small arms fire; results 1 VC KIA and believed to have wounded 1 VC. VC KIA was dressed in green uniform and carrying a pack, pistol belt, bag with documents and 1 9mm pistol with no serial #.
26 Feb. 69 0510H
Charlie Company at grid location BS569772 requests a dust off for 2 US with frag wounds from friendly grenade. Dust off called in at 0515 hrs. and completed at 0546 hrs.
WHA Line # 132 PFC Claude Parker frag wounds Line # 122 PFC David Klingberg frag wounds
26 Feb.69 1440H
Request dust off for HHC - Completed at 1445 hrs. Indiviual was bitten by a centipede.
Line # 146 Huset, Roger C. Sp/4
26 Feb 69 2000H
The command post of the PF and US advisors came under attack and was pinned down, and asked for Alpha Company assistance. Alpha Company's 3rd platoon and 3 APC’s fought there way into the stressed command at grid BS675775, resulting in 2 US KHA, 1 US WHA.
Line # 80 PFC Joseph F. Bauer-KHA multi frag wounds Line # 92 PFC Lawrence Defelice-KHA multi frag wounds Line # 99 PFC John Gilmen-WHA wound left leg
27 Feb. 69 1715H
Delta Company at grid location BS538835, found 2 VC KIA, where 81 mm & 4.2 were fired earlier. Both VC had on black pj's.
27 Feb. 69 1715H
Charlie Company at the grid location of BS559799, received approx 30 rounds AW fire fromthe West of grid BS550793 with negative casualties. Sent in 3rd platoon to check out area but had negative results. 4.2 is now firing in the area.
27 Feb. 69 Summary
Results of the days ops were 2 VC KIA.
28 Feb. 69 0915H
Delta Company requested dust off at grid location BS556825 for 1 US WHA received AW fire from grid location BS556825. Dust off completed at 0924 hrs.
WHA Line # 96 PFC Lawrence Grabowsky right upper thigh
28 Feb. 69 1345H
Charlie Company requests dust off at 1305 hrs at grid BS510765 for 1 US WHA by AW fire. Dust off completed 1335 hrs.
WHA Line 14 Sgt Eugene Couturiaux Jr. gunshot to head
KHA Sgt Eugene Couturiaux Jr. later died of head wounds.
28 Feb. 69 1345H
Charlie Company at grid location Bs 510765 is now in contact with a platoon of VC/NVA who are firing AW & RPG's at the APC's. At approx 1630 hrs. Charlie company proceeding South from OP#1 to the village East of OP#1, they observed persons moving out of western end of village, while others seemed to be positioning themselves. Arty was fired and Charlie Company proceeded East and as they approached the edge of AW fire, Rpg fire and grenades.The APC's with Charlie Company had 4 US WHA, when 1 APC was hit with a RPG round. During the encounter Charlie Company had 5 US WHA. Charlie Company pulled back and engaged the village with organic weapons. Arty & AS. At this time Bravo Company came from the North West firing Arty in front of them; they were immediatley engaged with AW fire; results 6 US WHA & 4 US KHA.Charlie & Bravo Company's then joined in a coordinated attack and Charlie Company received 4 more US casualties. An AS was called in and at 1700 hrs 4/3 Infantry requested reinforcement from the 198th Bde. On the last AS the fighters received heavy AW fire, from grid BS532769. At 1915 hrs the first lift of the reinforcing elements landed (B 5/46 Infantry) At 1930 hrs second lift B 5/46 INF landed. At 1947 hrs Recon lifted from LZ Buff to the area of contact.
Charlie Company Casualties
Line # 3 1LT Thomas Bedient-WHA
Line # 31 Sp/4 Ronald Easley-WHA
Line # 93 PFC Joseph Condo-WHA
Line #131 PFC Richard Pollard-WHA
Line #140 PFC Joe Snead-WHA
Line # 102 PFC Fernando T. Garcia-WHA
Line # 111 PFC George Harnish-WHA
Line # 147 PFC Daniel B.Webster-WHA
Line # 154 PVT Georgia McDonald-WHA
Line # 17 SGT Austin Lawther-WHA
Line # 144 PFC Gary J. Vargason-WHA
Line # 108 PFC John D. Hamilton-WHA
Line # 5 1LT Richard W. Keithline-WHA
Line # 162 PFC Dennis Groff-MIA
Line # 101 PFC Carter Freud-MIA
Bravo Company Casualties
Line # 43 Sp/4 Steven L. Hall-WHA
Line # 28 Sp/4 Gerald J. Burg-WHA
Line # 14 SGT Ralph Couch-WHA
Line # 5 1LT William H. Townsend-WHA
Line # 55 Sp/4 Loris L. Ladwig-WHA
Line #106 PFC Alan R. Grugnale-WHA
Line # 27 Sp/4 Charles Brown-WHA
Line # 73 Sp/4 Michael C. Whalen-KHA
Line #130 PFC Phillip E. Rosson-KHA
Line #144 PFC James W. Waight-KHA
28 Feb. 69 Summary
Results of the days operations were: 1 US WHA from Delta Company 11 US WHA, 1 US KHA, 3 US MHA from Charlie Company 6 US WHA, 4 US KHA from Bravo Company.